Projects per year
Project Details
Bedeutung der Variabilität des polymorphen GGN-Wiederholungssegmentes und anderer Mutationen in der N-terminalen Domäne des humanen Androgenrezeptors für die differentielle Transaktivierung (Antragsteller Hiort, Olaf)
Bereitstellung von androgenen Steroidhormonen durch lokale enzymatische Regulation insbesondere durch 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenasen und deren Wertigkeit in der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung (Antragsteller Hiort, Olaf)
Charakterisierung von PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) als minimalinvasives Modell der individuellen Androgenrezeptorfunktion bei Androgenresistenz (Antragsteller Holterhus, Paul-Martin)
Genotyp-Phänotyp-Korrelation der Androgenresistenz durch Expressionsanalyse androgenregulierter Gene in Genitalhautfibroblasten per cDNA-Microarray (Antragsteller Holterhus, Paul-Martin)
Geschlechtsrollenverhalten, Geschlechtsidentität, sexuelle Orientierung und seelische Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen mit Androgenmangelsyndromen bei XY-Karyotyp (Antragstellerin Thyen, Ute)
Katamnestische Untersuchung bei erwachsenen Personen mit verschiedenen Formen der Intersexualität und bei Transsexuellen (Antragstellerin Richter-Appelt, Hertha)
Status | finished |
Effective start/end date | 01.01.01 → 31.12.06 |
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Research Areas and Centers
- Academic Focus: Center for Brain, Behavior and Metabolism (CBBM)
DFG Research Classification Scheme
- 2.22-20 Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
SFB 1665: Sexdiversity - Determinants, meanings and implications of sex diversity in sociocultural, medical and biological landscapes
Hiort, O. (Speaker, Coordinator), Spielmann, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Holterhus, P. M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Hornig, N. C. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Müller, F. J. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Frielitz-Wagner, I. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Mittag, J. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Kircher, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Seeger, K. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Kulle, A. E. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Busch, H. S. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Aherrahrou, R. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Krämer, U. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Reisch, N. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Göpel, W. (Principal Investigator (PI)), König, I. R. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Laudes, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Jürgensen, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Mangold, A. K. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Rehmann-Sutter, C. (Second Speaker/Coordinator), Stammberger, B. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Stoff, H. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Palm, K. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Malich, L. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Nemec, B. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Hundt, J. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Kohlrausch, J. (Principal Investigator (PI))
01.02.24 → …
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Joint Research: Collaborative Research Center/ Transregios
CRU 111, Subproject: Significance of the variability of the polymorphic GGN repeat segment and other mutations in the N-terminal domain of the human androgen receptor for differential transactivation
Hiort, O. (Principal Investigator (PI))
01.01.01 → 31.12.05
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Joint Research: Research Units/Clinical Research Units
CRU 111, Subproject: Gender role behavior, gender identity, sexual orientation and mental health in adolescents with androgen deficiency syndromes with XY karyotype
Thyen, U. (Speaker, Coordinator)
01.01.01 → 01.01.05
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Joint Research: Research Units/Clinical Research Units