CRC 654, Subproject A04: Eye movements and the functional role of sleep. An investigation of dynamics, control mechanisms, cortical potentials and learning

  • Gais, Steffen (Principal Investigator (PI))
  • Kimmig, Hubert (Principal Investigator (PI))

Project: DFG ProjectsDFG Joint Research: Collaborative Research Center/ Transregios

Project Details


Es soll die Frage untersucht werden, ob REMs (rapid eye movements) im Schlaf zielgerichtete Augenbewegungendarstellen, die beispielsweise mit der Verarbeitung von Erlebnisinhalten befasst sindund, damit ähnlich wie Sakkaden im Wachzustand, zielgerichtet sensorische Reize verarbeiten, oderob REMs ein Epiphänomen neuronaler Wartungsprozesse sind.
Effective start/end date01.01.0531.12.09

Collaborative partners

  • University of Kiel (Joint applicant, Co-PI)

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Research Areas and Centers

  • Academic Focus: Center for Brain, Behavior and Metabolism (CBBM)

DFG Research Classification Scheme

  • 2.23-08 Human Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
  • CRC 654: Plasticity and Sleep

    Born, J. (Speaker, Coordinator)


    Project: DFG ProjectsDFG Joint Research: Collaborative Research Center/ Transregios