The Otto Roth Award 2006 is awarded to Dr. med. Dmitry Cherkasov. He is honored for his dissertation at the Institute of Biology. The Otto Roth Award is the Medical Faculty`s annual award for an outstanding doctoral thesis donated by the Society of the University`s Alumni with an amount of 2.500 Euros. It is named after Professor Otto Roth (1863-1944), the University`s first specialized surgeon. He became head of the Clinic of Surgery in Luebeck`s General Hospital (1897-1933) and collaborated with Heinrich Dräger (1847-1917) for the development of the world world-famous Dräger-Roth anaesthetic apparatus, allowing the thrive of modern anaesthesiology.
Awarded date
Degree of recognition
Granting Organisations
Verein der Alumni, Freunde und Förderer der Universität zu Lübeck e. V.