Fritz Külz-Prize

Prize: Research Prizes, Scientific Awards

General Description

According to the statutes of the foundation charter, the FRITZ-KÜLZ-PREIS is awarded for experimental pharmacological work from a German-speaking pharmacological institute that has been submitted for publication in the last two years. It is not permitted to apply for another award at the same time as the submitted work.
The prize is awarded both for dissertations and for original theses (habilitation theses cannot be considered).
It can be awarded to individuals as well as to working groups. In the latter case, each author must not be older than 33 years of age.
A panel of judges consisting of at least four editors from Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archive and two industrial pharmacologists will decide on the winners.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsDeutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie e.V.