Meybohm, P., Zacharowski, K., Cremer, J., Roesner, J., Kletzin, F., Schaelte, G., Felzen, M., Strouhal, U., Reyher, C.,
Heringlake, M., Schön, J., Brandes, I., Bauer, M., Knuefermann, P., Wittmann, M., Hachenberg, T., Schilling, T., Smul, T., Maisch, S. & Sander, M.
& 12 others,
Moormann, T., Boening, A., Weigand, M. A., Laufenberg, R., Werner, C., Winterhalter, M., Treschan, T., Stehr, S. N., Reinhart, K., Hasenclever, D., Brosteanu, O. & Bein, B.,
European Heart Journal. Clinic of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
[email protected]:
Oxford University Press,
p. 1423-1426 4 p. (European Heart Journal; vol. 33).
Research output: Chapters in Books/Reports/Conference Proceedings › Chapter › peer-review