University of Luebeck
Organisational unit: University
Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Neuro- and Bioinformatics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Center for Artificial Intelligence Luebeck (ZKIL)
Organisational unit: Research Centers
Institute of Signal Processing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Electrical Engineering in Medicine
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Medical Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Anatomy
Department of Natural Sciences, Department of Medicine
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Experimental Dermatology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Information Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Telematics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Internal Medicine II - Cardiology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Mathematics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Virology and Cell Biology
Department of Natural Sciences
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Medical Informatics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
External organisation: Federal Institution
Altonaer Kinderkrankenhaus
External organisation: unknown
University of Tubingen
External organisation: Federal Institution
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
External organisation: Federal Institution
Hannover Medical School
External organisation: Federal Institution
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Mannheim
External organisation: Federal Institution
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
External organisation: unknown
University of Freiburg
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Cologne
External organisation: Federal Institution
Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin
External organisation: unknown
RWTH Aachen University
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Bern
External organisation: Federal Institution
Martin Luther University
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Würzburg
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Duisburg-Essen
External organisation: University
Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg
External organisation: Federal Institution
Meharry Medical College
External organisation: Federal Institution
MEM Forschungszentrum
External organisation: unknown
MVZ Rheinlandärzte GmbH
External organisation: unknown
University of Kiel
External organisation: Federal Institution
German Roentgen Society "Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft and equot
External organisation: Federal Institution