Jörg Barkhausen
- Center for Artificial Intelligence Luebeck (ZKIL) - Group Leading Senior Scientist
- Clinic of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine - Head of Department
Person: W3 Professor
Tobias Keck
- Clinic of Surgery - Head of Department
- Luebeck Integrated Oncology Network (LION) - Senior Scientist
Person: W3 Professor
Gereon Hüttmann
- Institute of Biomedical Optics - Research Group Intravital microsopy
Person: Scientific Staff
Birgit Kahle
- Clinic of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology - Senior Scientist
- Center for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases (ZIEL) - Group Leading Senior Scientist
Person: Professor
Jan Modersitzki
- Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing - Head of Department
Person: W3 Professor
Juljan Bouchagiar
External person
A. Dell
External person
Florian Matysiak
External person
Sarah Matthiensen
External person
Thorsten Alexander Bley
- University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
- University of Würzburg
- Department of Radiology
- University of Freiburg
- Departments of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical Physics
External person
Michael Beer
- University of Ulm
- AG Herz- und Gefäßdiagnostik der Deutschen Rö ntgengesellschaft
- Asklepios Klinik St. Georg
- University of Würzburg
External person
Ravn Pater
External person