University of Luebeck
Organisational unit: University
Institute of Medical Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Medical Informatics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Robotics and Cognitive Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Neuro- and Bioinformatics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Telematics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Internal Medicine II - Cardiology
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Biomedical Optics
Department of Natural Sciences
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Electrical Engineering in Medicine
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Organisational unit: Institutes and Clinics
University of Wollongong
External organisation: unknown
University of Oldenburg
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Kent
External organisation: unknown
Queen Mary University of London
External organisation: Federal Institution
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
External organisation: unknown
University of Kiel
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Mannheim
External organisation: Federal Institution
Leiden University
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Kurdistan
External organisation: unknown
Singapore Institute of Technology
External organisation: unknown
Hamburg University of Technology
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Bremen
External organisation: unknown
Texas Tech. University
External organisation: unknown
Philips Research Laboratories
External organisation: Federal Institution
Philips Research
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
External organisation: unknown
Dalian University of Technology
External organisation: unknown
KU Leuven
External organisation: Federal Institution
School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering
External organisation: unknown
University of Science and Technology of China
External organisation: unknown
Robert Bosch GmbH
External organisation: Federal Institution
Harvard University
External organisation: Federal Institution
External organisation: unknown
Hcmc University of Technology
External organisation: unknown
Nanyang Technological University
External organisation: unknown
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
External organisation: unknown
ENST Paris
External organisation: unknown
Lucent Technologies
External organisation: unknown
University of Notre Dame
External organisation: unknown
Signal Processing Group
External organisation: unknown
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
External organisation: unknown
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
External organisation: unknown
Shenyang Institute of Technology
External organisation: unknown
Hospital of Peking University
External organisation: unknown
Philips Research
External organisation: unknown
Aarhus University
External organisation: unknown
Siemens Medical Solutions
External organisation: unknown
University of California at Berkeley
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Western Australia
External organisation: Federal Institution
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
External organisation: unknown
Technical University of Munich
External organisation: Federal Institution
Graz University of Technology
External organisation: unknown
University of Hamburg
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Cologne
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Newcastle, Australia
External organisation: unknown
The Department of Development and Regeneration
External organisation: unknown
Department of Informations
External organisation: University
German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
External organisation: Federal Institution
Computer Vision and Geometry Group
External organisation: Industrial partner
Airway Research Center North
External organisation: Federal Institution
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
External organisation: unknown
Utrecht University
External organisation: Federal Institution
Stanford University
External organisation: Federal Institution
University of Technology Sydney
External organisation: unknown
Institut Eurecom
External organisation: Industrial partner
Shenyang Ligong University
External organisation: unknown
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
External organisation: unknown
Department of Electrical Engineering
External organisation: unknown
Department of Radiology
External organisation: unknown
Center for Digital Safety and Security
External organisation: unknown
Autonomous Vision Group, MPI for Intelligent Systems
External organisation: Industrial partner
University of Edinburgh
External organisation: Federal Institution
College of Engineering
External organisation: unknown
Siemens Healthcare
External organisation: Federal Institution
School of Computing
External organisation: unknown
German Institute of Hearing Aids
External organisation: unknown
Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)
External organisation: Federal Institution
Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
External organisation: Federal Institution
Centre de Recherche de Motorola
External organisation: unknown
InterDigital RandD France
External organisation: unknown