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PP-RI-EMR: Process evaluation of the pilot project “Use of the risk index disability pension for proactive access strategies”
Bethge, M., Albers, R. M. & Prehn, J.
01.04.24 → 31.07.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
MBOR-PRIME: Implementation of guidelines for work-related medical rehabilitation in psychosomatic rehabilitation centers
Bethge, M., Markus, M. & Banaschak, H.
01.01.24 → 31.12.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
ZuKiJu: Removing barriers to access medical rehabilitation for children and adolescents
Bethge, M., Banaschak, H., Schwarz, S. & Carow, F.
01.01.24 → 31.12.27
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
AI-CARE: Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Registration and Research
Katalinic, A., Rudolph, C., Labohm, L. & Handels, H.
01.09.22 → 31.08.25
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Projects of the Ministry for Law and Health
AELKI: Aufbau und Evaluation einer risikoadaptierten, multidisziplinären, leitliniengerechten Transition und (Langzeit-)Nachsorge für krebskranke Kinder und Jugendliche
Langer, T., Katalinic, A., König, I. R., Baltus, H. & Elsner, S.
01.07.22 → 30.06.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
Participation and co-creation for innovative technologies for informal caregivers and communities of care (PiTiPs)
Jochems, N., Balzer, K., Nolte, A., Volkmann, T. & Weiß, A. K.
01.05.22 → 31.12.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
VOR-KARDIO: Cognitive-behavioral rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular diseases: a randomized controlled trial
01.03.22 → 28.02.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
Outlive-CRC - Liquid Biopsy and Nutrition in CRC Prevention
Derer-Petersen, S., Burziwoda, D., Katalinic, A., Oberländer, M., Deck, R., Sültmann, H., von Bubnoff, N., Gemoll, T., Busch, H. S., Jülg, P., Hutzenlaub, T., Sina, C., Schröder, T. & Lill, C.
01.03.22 → 31.12.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
PRAIM: Prospective, multicenter observational study of an integrated AI system with live monitoring to support early breast cancer detection.
Katalinic, A., Elsner, S. & Eisemann, N.
01.02.22 → 30.04.25
Project: Industrial Research & Development › Industrial Collaboration
BTHG-RB: Accompanying the implementation of the Federal Participation Act within the framework of the Rehabilitation advisory service
Bethge, M., Lemke, S. & Baasner, A.
01.01.22 → 31.12.25
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
SEU-SH: Documentation and Evaluation of School Entrance Examinations in Schleswig-Holstein
01.01.22 → …
Project: Industrial Research & Development › Scientific Consulting
AmPULS: Program to support return to work after cardiological rehabilitation
Bethge, M., Banaschak, H. & Sternberg, A.
01.11.21 → 31.10.26
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
Hybrid-Reha: Psychosomatische Hybrid-Reha
01.07.21 → 31.12.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
AktiFame: Active access, counseling and case management for people at high risk of permanent work disability
Bethge, M., Prehn, J., Grope, M., Remus, L. & Schwarz, S.
01.01.20 → 31.12.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
HGuA: An easily accessible case management intervention as an extension of the German care system for people with health impairments and a high risk of disability to improve their work capacity and the coordination of health services
Bethge, M., Remus, L., Prehn, J. & Grope, M.
01.01.20 → 31.12.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
GIBI: Comprehensive clarification of the need for intervention in endangered work participation
Bethge, M., Fauser, D. P. & Roder, J.
01.01.20 → 31.12.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
WS-vffr: Scientific secretariat of the Association for the Promotion of Rehabilitation Research in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein
01.01.18 → …
Project: Endowments › Endowments
Grömitz - Charakteristika und Lebensqualität junger Frauen mit Mammakarzinom
Katalinic, A., Fischer, D., Waldmann, A., Hammersen, F., Pursche, T., Strobel, A. M. & Labohm, L.
01.01.11 → 31.12.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
geKuJu: Die gesundheitliche Lage und die Versorgungssituation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Schleswig-Holstein in Krisenzeiten
01.01.23 → 31.12.23
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Projects of the Ministry for Law and Health
CorJu1: Gesundheitliche Lage von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Schleswig-Holstein in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie“ mit einem Fokus auf Kinder und Jugendliche mit chronischen Erkrankungen und ihrer Gesundheitsversorgung
01.01.22 → 31.12.22
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Projects of the Ministry for Law and Health
CorJu2: Sozialpädiatrische Versorgungssituation und -bedarfe von pflegebedürftigen, schwer chronisch kranken und schwerstkranken Kindern, Jugendlichen und ihren Familien in Schleswig-Holstein in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie
Katalinic, A., Elsner, S. & Peters, E.
01.01.22 → 31.12.22
Project: Industrial Research & Development › Scientific Consulting
HIRE: Non-inferiority of a hybrid outpatient rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
Bethge, M., Albers, R. M. & Lemke, S.
01.11.21 → 30.06.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
LaNCa: LaNCa - Long-term follow-up after childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer in Schleswig-Holstein - New cancer survivorship care services
Katalinic, A., Schnoor, M. & Elsner, S.
01.09.21 → 31.08.24
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Health Care Fund SH
Clinical Partnership with Myanmar
15.05.21 → 14.11.22
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMZ
HEUREKA: Haus- und Kinderarzt-geleitete Erfassung und Einsteuerung in ein umfassendes, strukturiertes, individuelles und regionales Empowerment-Konzept mit Case Management für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Übergewicht und Adipositas
01.06.20 → 31.05.23
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Projects of the Ministry for Law and Health
KULT-SH: Kinderonkologische Untersuchung durch Leistungsfähige Telemedizin in Schleswig-Holstein
Katalinic, A. & Frielitz, F.
01.06.20 → 31.05.23
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
Virtual diabetes outpatient clinic for children and adolescents (ViDiKi)
Frielitz, F., Katalinic, A. & Sengbusch, S.
01.04.20 → 31.03.21
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
ELISA: LübEcker Längsschnittuntersuchung zu Infektionen mit SARS –CoV-2
Klein, C., Rupp, J. & Katalinic, A.
01.04.20 → 31.03.23
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
DSDCare: DSDCare: Differences of Sex Development
Katalinic, A., Heidenreich, A., Schnoor, M., Scherf, J., Hiort, O., Döhnert, U., Wünsch, L. & Jürgensen, M.
01.01.20 → 31.08.23
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
TabiRi-HKS: Tablet-basierte Patienteninformation über das Hautkrebsscreening mit individueller Risikobestimmung
Katalinic, A., Hübner, J. & Heidenreich, A.
01.12.19 → 30.09.21
Project: Endowments › Endowments
MBOR-P: Work-related medical rehabilitation in patients with mental disorders
01.10.19 → 31.03.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
ReNa-App: Steigerung der Langzeiteffekte onkologischer Rehabilitation durch eine Nachsorge-App
15.07.19 → 30.04.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
Steigerung der Langzeiteffekte onkologischer Rehabilitation durch eine Nachsorge-App
Deck, R., Rutsch, M., Schrader, A., Jochems, N., Brandes, I. & Kohlmann , T.
15.07.19 → 30.04.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
DIMASOS2: Dichte-indiziertes mammographisch-sonographisch Brustkrebs-Screening
Katalinic, A., Elsner, S. & Hadwiger, M.
01.07.19 → 30.06.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
Pertimo: Perspektiven einer multimodalen Evaluation der Hautkrebsfrüherkennung
Katalinic, A., Hübner, J. & Heidenreich, A.
01.06.19 → 31.08.21
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
MiMi: Implementation and evaluation of a multilingual information campaign on rehabilitation for children and adolescents with a migrant background
01.04.19 → 31.03.24
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › DRV Projects
CED BioAssist: Assistenzpersonal assoziierte Optimierung der Betreuung von Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) unter einer Biologika-Therapie
Katalinic, A., Hüppe, A. & Langbrandtner, J.
01.04.19 → 31.03.23
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
Navigation 60plus: Navigation 60plus
01.08.18 → 31.12.21
Project: State Funding › State Funding: Projects of the Ministry for Law and Health
RESET-CRT: Reevaluation der optimalen Resynchronisationstherapie bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz
Katalinic, A., Hadwiger, M. & Frielitz, F.
01.05.18 → 30.09.23
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
TaBel: Tablet-basierte Erfassung funktioneller Beeinträchtigungen und Lebensqualität bei Patient*innen mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren – eine prospektive kontrollierte Versorgungsstudie
Katalinic, A., Scherf, J. & Peters, E.
01.08.17 → 31.08.21
Project: Endowments › Endowments
DELIVER: Determinants for guideline-congruent care of older cancer patients in the SHI system
Katalinic, A., Hübner, J. & Heidenreich, A.
01.08.17 → 31.07.21
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › GBA Projects (Innovation Fund)
ACTIVATE: An Ambient System for Communication, Information and Control in Intensive Care
Jochems, N., Schrader, A., Balzer, K., Kordts, B., Kopetz, J. P., Henkel, A., Schley, A., Will, A. & Hussels, B.
01.01.17 → 31.12.20
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Federal Ministry Funding: BMBF
Ambient Care
Jochems, N., Schrader, A., Köpke, S., Sengpiel, M. & Gerlach, B.
01.01.17 → 31.12.20
Project: Industrial Research & Development › Industrial Collaboration
HIGHCARE: The HighCare Study: Documentation, analysis and interpretation of differences in care and survival of patients after cancer between European regions. - final report
01.06.16 → 30.05.18
Project: EU Funding › EU Projects
CAESAR-2: Quality of life in long-term survivors (10+ years) of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer
Arndt, V., Waldmann, A., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Katalinic, A., Pritzkuleit, R., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Zeissig, S. R. & Brenner, H.
01.01.16 → 31.12.18
Project: Endowments › Endowments
rehab-bp: Rehabilitation access and effectiveness cohort study for persons with back pain (REHAB-BP)
Bethge, M., Mau, W. & Fauser, D. P.
01.01.16 → 31.12.19
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
MERCED: Medical rehabilitation in inflammatory bowel disease: effective and needed? A randomised controlled health care trial in a paradigmatic indication
Raspe, H., Bethge, M. & Katalinic, A.
01.01.16 → 30.04.20
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
ZI-DARM: Darmkrebs und Früherkennung – Inzidenz, Mortalität und Inanspruchnahme auf Kreisebene
Katalinic, A. & Hübner, J.
01.03.15 → 28.02.17
Project: Projects with Federal Funding › Projects with Health Insurance Partners
CAT Core 1: Validation of the EORTC computerized adaptive testing (CAT) instrument
Nolte, S., Waldmann, A. & Katalinic, A.
01.01.15 → 31.12.17
Project: Endowments › Endowments
Prospectiv controlled study of singeltons (and multiples) born after intracytoplasmic sperm injection aged 14 to 16 years and their mothers
Katalinic, A., Ludwig, M., Ludwig, A., Schnoor, M., Sonntag, B. & Elsner, S.
01.01.15 → 31.12.19
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects