Clinic of Pediatric Surgery

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    23538 Lübeck


Search results

  • 2024

    Das neue Gesetz zum Schutz von Kindern mit Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung

    Translated title of the contribution: The new law to protect children with variants of gender developmentWünsch, L., 2024, In: Gynakologische Praxis. 51, 4, p. 683-687 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • SonoBox: development of a robotic ultrasound tomograph for the ultrasound diagnosis of paediatric forearm fractures

    Ernst, F., Osburg, J. & Tüshaus, L., 2024, In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 11, p. 1405169 1405169.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2023

    Das neue Gesetz zum Schutz von Kindern mit Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung

    Translated title of the contribution: The new German law on the protection of children with variants of sex developmentWünsch, L., 2023, In: Padiatrische Praxis. 99, 3, p. 1-5 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2022

    MYRF: A New Regulator of Cardiac and Early Gonadal Development—Insights from Single Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis

    Calonga-Solís, V., Fabbri-Scallet, H., Ott, F., Al-Sharkawi, M., Künstner, A., Wünsch, L., Hiort, O., Busch, H. & Werner, R., 08.2022, In: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11, 16, 4858.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Operative Volume of Newborn Surgery in German University Hospitals: High Volume Versus Low Volume Centers

    Lacher, M., Barthlen, W., Eckoldt, F., Fitze, G., Fuchs, J., Hosie, S., Kaiser, M. M., Meyer, T., Muensterer, O. J., Reinshagen, K., Rothe, K., Seitz, G., Stuhldreier, G., Troebs, R. B., Ure, B., Von Schweinitz, D., Wessel, L., Wünsch, L. & Rolle, U., 16.09.2022, In: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 32, 5, p. 391-398 8 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Pubertal development in 46,XY patients with NR5A1 mutations

    Mönig, I., Schneidewind, J., Johannsen, T. H., Juul, A., Werner, R., Lünstedt, R., Birnbaum, W., Marshall, L., Wünsch, L. & Hiort, O., 02.2022, In: Endocrine. 75, 2, p. 601-613 13 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2021

    Englisch: Infants Younger Than 90 Days Admitted for Late-Onset Sepsis Display a Reduced Abundance of Regulatory T Cells

    Herting, E., Fortmann, M. I., Dammann, M.-T., Siller, B., Humberg, A., Demmert, M., Tüshaus, L., Lindert, J., van Zandbergen, Pagel, J., Rupp, J. & Härtel, C., 27.08.2021, In: Frontiers in Immunology.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Interdisziplinäre Endoskopie bei Kindern

    Translated title of the contribution: Interdisciplinary endoscopy in childrenTafazzoli, K., Kohl, M., Kirstein, M. & Wünsch, L., 01.03.2021, In: Chirurg. 92, 3, p. 189-193 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

  • Light protection of parenteral nutritional solutions for infants and children up to 2 years old: Statement of the Federal Association of German Hospital Pharmacists (ADKA), the nutrition committee of the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), the nutrition committee of the Austrian Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (ÖGKJ) and the working group on chronic intestinal failure (AGCDV) of the Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (GPGE)

    Erdmann, H., Heimke-Brinck, R., Mihatsch, W., Bührer, C., Ensenauer, R., Jochum, F., Kalhoff, H., Körner, A., Koletzko, B., Lawrenz, B., Rudloff, S., Zimmer, K. P., Greber-Platzer, S., Haiden, N., Hauer, A., Lanzersdorfer, R., Pietschnig, B., Scholl-Bürgi, S., Sperl, W. & Weghuber, D. & 16 others, Zwiauer, K., Ballauff, A., Burmester, G., Busch, A., de Laffolie, J., Felcht, J., Garino, J., Hilberath, J., Kohl, M., Krohn, K., Lieb, A., Posovszky, C., Querfurt, A., Rückel, A., Wessel, L. & Mihatsch, W. A., 08.2021, In: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. 169, 8, p. 751-755 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2020

    Chronischer Husten mit rezidivierenden pulmonalen Infekten und Gedeihstörung: Seltene Ursache bei differenzialdiagnostischer Abklärung identifiziert

    Translated title of the contribution: Chronic Cough with Recurrent Pulmonary Infections and Failure to Thrive: Rare Cause Identified in Differential DiagnosisHerz, A., Stichtenoth, G., Tafazzoli-Lari, K., Buchholz, M., Ahrens, P. & Kopp, M. V., 11.12.2020, In: Klinische Padiatrie. 232, 1, p. 44-47 4 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Management

    Translated title of the contribution: Differences of sex development in children and adolescents: Principles. diagnostics and managementHiort, O., Marshall, L., Bacia, A., Bouteleux, M., Rody, A. & Wünsch, L., 25.11.2020, In: Gynakologische Endokrinologie.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

  • 2019

    Besonderheiten der Geschlechtsentwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Management

    Translated title of the contribution: Differences of sex development in children and adolescents: Principles. diagnostics and managementHiort, O., Marshall, L., Bacia, A., Bouteleux, M. & Wünsch, L., 01.07.2019, In: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. 167, 7, p. 598-606 9 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Erratum: Optical coherence tomography provides an optical biopsy of burn wounds in children- A pilot study (Journal of Biomedical Optics (2018) 23:10 (106005) DOi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.10.106005)

    Lindert, J., Tafazzoli-Lari, K., Tüshaus, L., Larsen, B., Bacia, A., Bouteleux, M., Adler, T., Dalicho, V., Vasileiadis, V., Kisch, T., Stang, F., Welzel, J. & Wünsch, L., 01.02.2019, In: Journal of Biomedical Optics. 24, 2, 029801.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesComments/Debates

  • Management of Undescended Testis: A Debate

    Bertelloni, S. & Wünsch, L., 01.04.2019, In: Sexual Development. 13, 1, p. 1-2 2 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesComments/Debates

  • Variations of sex development: The first German interdisciplinary consensus paper

    Krege, S., Eckoldt, F., Richter-Unruh, A., Köhler, B., Leuschner, I., Mentzel, H. J., Moss, A., Schweizer, K., Stein, R., Werner-Rosen, K., Wieacker, P., Wiesemann, C., Wünsch, L. & Richter-Appelt, H., 04.2019, In: Journal of Pediatric Urology. 15, 2, p. 114-123 10 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

    8 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2018

    Behandlung der Femurschaftfraktur bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einem Körpergewicht ≥50 kg: Eine retrospektive multizentrische Erhebung

    Translated title of the contribution: Treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children and adolescents ≥50 kg: A retrospective multicenter trialRapp, M., Kraus, R., Illing, P., Sommerfeldt, D. W. & Kaiser, M. M., 01.01.2018, In: Unfallchirurg. 121, 1, p. 47-57 11 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Ein „Niemandsland“

    Translated title of the contribution: Medical devices for children and adolescents: A "no man's land"Tüshaus, L., Von Sengbusch, S., Worringen, U., Herting, E., Wünsch, L. & Frielitz, F. S., 16.11.2018, In: Deutsches Arzteblatt International. 115, 46

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Endoscopy and Laparoscopy in Disorders of Sex Development

    Tafazzoli, K., Wünsch, L., Bouteleux, M., Lindert, J., Schulz, T., Birnbaum, W., Marshall, L., Hiort, O. & Tüshaus, L., 01.02.2018, In: Sexual Development. 12, 1-3, p. 100-105 6 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

  • Optical coherence tomography provides an optical biopsy of burn wounds in children- A pilot study

    Lindert, J., Tafazzoli-Lari, K., Tüshaus, L., Larsen, B., Bacia, A., Bouteleux, M., Adler, T., Dalicho, V., Vasileidos, V., Kisch, T., Stang, F., Welzel, J. & Wünsch, L., 01.10.2018, In: Journal of Biomedical Optics. 23, 10, 106005.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Surgical Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment of Intestinal Aspergillosis in Pediatric Patients with ALL

    Fischer, J., Simon, T., Hamprecht, A., Hos, N., Möricke, A., Cernaianu, G., Tharun, L., Gruhn, B., Plum, G. & Dübbers, M., 14.08.2018, In: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 28, 6, p. 477-483 7 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Tumstatin fragment selectively inhibits neutrophil infiltration in experimental asthma exacerbation

    Nissen, G. A. S., Holländer, H. S., Tang, F., Lunding, L., Vock, C., Bachmann, A., Lemmel, S., Bartels, R., Oliver, B. G. G., Burgess, J. K., Becker, T., Kopp, M. V. & Weckmann, M., 07.2018, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2018

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2017

    Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries

    Kahan, B. C., Koulenti, D., Arvaniti, K., Beavis, V., Campbell, D., Chan, M., Moreno, R., Pearse, R. M., Beattie, S., Clavien, P., Demartines, N., Fleisher, L., Grocott, M., Haddow, J., Hoeft, A., Holt, P., Pritchard, N., Rhodes, A., Wijeysundera, D. & Wilson, M. & 2.463 others, Ahmed, T., Everingham, K., Hewson, R., Januszewska, M., Phull, M., Halliwell, R., Shulman, M., Myles, P., Schmid, W., Hiesmayr, M., Wouters, P., de Hert, S., Lobo, S., Fang, X., Rasmussen, L., Futier, E., Biais, M., Venara, A., Slim, K., Sander, M., Kulkarni, A., Chandra, S., Tantri, A., Geddoa, E., Abbas, M., Della Rocca, G., Sivasakthi, D., Mansor, M., Luna, P., Bouwman, A., Buhre, W., Short, T., Osinaike, T., Matos, R., Grigoras, I., Kirov, M., Protsenko, D., Biccard, B., Aldecoa, C., Chew, M., Hofer, C., Hubner, M., Ditai, J., Szakmany, T., Ferguson, M., MacMahon, M., Cherian, R., Currow, H., Kanathiban, K., Gillespie, D., Pathmanathan, E., Phillips, K., Reynolds, J., Rowley, J., Douglas, J., Kerridge, R., Garg, S., Bennett, V., Jain, M., Alcock, D., Terblanche, N., Cotter, R., Leslie, K., Stewart, M., Zingerle, N., Clyde, A., Hambidge, O., Rehak, A., Cotterell, S., Binh Quan Huynh, W., McCulloch, T., Ben-Menachem, E., Egan, T., Cope, J., Fellinger, P., Haselberger, S., Holaubek, C., Lichtenegger, P., Scherz, F., Hoffer, F., Cakova, V., Eichwalder, A., Fischbach, N., Klug, R., Schneider, E., Vesely, M., Wickenhauser, R., Grubmueller, K., Leitgeb, M., Lang, F., Toro, N., Bauer, M., Laengle, F., Mayrhofer, T., Buerkle, C., Forstner, K., Germann, R., Rinoesl, H., Schindler, E., Trampitsch, E., Fritsch, G., Szabo, C., Bidgoli, J., Verdoodt, H., Forget, P., Kahn, D., Lois, F., Momeni, M., Prégardien, C., Pospiech, A., Steyaert, A., Veevaete, L., De Kegel, D., De Jongh, K., Foubert, L., Smitz, C., Vercauteren, M., Poelaert, J., Van Mossevelde, V., Abeloos, J., Bouchez, S., Coppens, M., De Baerdemaeker, L., Deblaere, I., De Bruyne, A., Fonck, K., Heyse, B., Jacobs, T., Lapage, K., Moerman, A., Neckebroek, M., Parashchanka, A., Roels, N., Van Den Eynde, N., Vandenheuvel, M., Van Limmen, J., Vanluchene, A., Vanpeteghem, C., Wyffels, P., Huygens, C., Vandenbempt, P., Van de Velde, M., Dylst, D., Janssen, B., Schreurs, E., Aleixo, F., Candido, K., Dias Batista, H., Guimarães, M., Guizeline, J., Hoffmann, J., Lobo, S., Lobo, F., Nascimento, V., Nishiyama, K., Pazetto, L., Souza, D., Souza Rodrigues, R., Vilela Dos Santos, A. M., Jardim, J., Silva, J., do Nascimento Junior, P., Baio, T., Pereira de Castro, G., Watanabe Oliveira, H., Amendola, C., Cardoso, G., Ortega, D., Brotto, A., De Oliveira, M., Réa-Neto, A., Dias, F., Azambuja, P., Knibel, M., Martins, A., Almeida, W., Neto, C., Tardelli, M., Caser, E., Machado, M., Aguzzoli, C., Baldisserotto, S., Beck Tabajara, F., Bettega, F., Rodrigues Júnior, H., de Gasperi, J., Faina, L., Nolasco, M., da Costa Fischer, B., de Campos Ferreira, M., Hartmann, C., Kliemann, M., Ribeiro, G., Fraga, J., Netto, T., Pozza, L., Wendling, P., Azevedo, C., Garcia, J., Lopes, M., Maia, B., Maselli, P., Melo, R., Mendes, W., Neves, M., Ney, J., Piras, C., Applewhaite, C., Carr, A., Chow, L., Duttchen, K., Foglia, J., Greene, M., Hinther, A., Houston, K., McCormick, T., Mikhayel, J., Montasser, S., Ragan, A., Suen, A., Woolsey, A., Yu, H., Funk, D., Kowalski, S., Legaspi, R., McDonald, H., Siddiqui, F., Pridham, J., Rowe, B., Sampson, S., Thiessen, B., Zbitnew, G., Bernard, A., George, R., Jones, P., Moor, R., Siddiqui, N., Wolfer, A., Tran, D., Winch, D., Dobson, G., McCormick, T., Montasser, O., Hall, R., Baghirzada, L., Dai, S., Hare, G., Lee, E., Shastri, U., Tsui, A., Yagnik, A., Alvares, D., Choi, S., Dwyer, H., Flores, K., McCartney, C., Somascanthan, P., Carroll, J., Pazmino-Canizares, J., Ami, N., Chan, V., Perlas, A., Argue, R., Lavis, K., Mayson, K., Cao, Y., Gao, H., Hu, T., Lv, J., Yang, J., Yang, Y., Zhong, Y., Zhou, J., Zou, X., He, M., Li, X., Luo, D., Wang, H., Yu, T., Chen, L., Wang, L., Cai, Y., Cao, Z., Li, Y., Lian, J., Sun, H., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Wang, K., Zhu, Y., Du, X., Fan, H., Fu, Y., Huang, L., Huang, Y., Hwan, H., Luo, H., Qu, P., Tao, F., Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Chen, C., Wang, W., Liu, Z., Fan, L., Tang, J., Chen, Y., Han, Y., Huang, C., Liang, G., Shen, J., Wang, J., Yang, Q., Zhen, J., Zhou, H., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Meng, B., Ye, H., Bi, Y., Cao, J., Guo, F., Lin, H., Liu, Y., Lv, M., Shi, P., Song, X., Sun, C., Sun, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Chen, R., Hou, J., Leng, Y., Meng, Q., Qian, L., Shen, Z., Xia, Z., Xue, R., Zhao, B., Zhou, X., Chen, Q., Guo, H., Guo, Y., Qi, Y., Wei, J., Zhang, W., Zheng, L., Bao, Q., Fei, Y., Hu, N., Hu, X., Lei, M., Lv, X., Miao, F., Ouyang, L., Shen, C., Wang, D., Wu, C., Xu, L., Yuan, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, J., Zhao, C., Zhao, L., Zheng, T., Zhou, D., Zhou, C., Lu, K., Zhao, T., He, C., Chen, H., Chen, S., Cheng, B., He, J., Jin, L., Li, C., Li, H., Pan, Y., Shi, Y., Wen, X., Wu, S., Xie, G., Zhang, K., Lu, X., Chen, F., Liang, Q., Lin, X., Ling, Y., Liu, G., Tao, J., Yang, L., Feng, Y., Hou, B., Lin, J., Liu, M., Luo, F., Shi, X., Xiong, Y., Yang, S., Zhang, Q., Zhao, W., Bai, Y., Dai, Q., Geng, W., Han, K., He, X., Ji, B., Jia, D., Jin, S., Li, Q., Liang, D., Luo, S., Lwang, L., Mo, Y., Qi, X., Qian, M., Qin, J., Ren, Y., Xie, J., Yan, Y., Yao, Y., Zhuang, X., Ai, Y., Du, F., He, L., Li, Z., Li, L., Meng, S., Yuan, Y., Zhang, E., Zhang, J., Zhao, S., Ji, Z., Pei, L., Dong, B., Li, J., Miao, Z., Mu, H., Qin, C., Su, L., Wen, Z., Xie, K., Yu, Y., Yuan, F., Xiao, W., Zhu, Z., Fu, K., Hu, R., Huang, S., Liang, Y., Yu, S., Guo, Z., Jing, Y., Tang, N., Wu, J., Yuan, D., Zhang, R., Zhao, X., Bai, H., Liu, C., Liu, F., Ren, W., Wang, X., Xu, G., Li, B., Ou, Y., Tang, Y., Yao, S., Zhang, S., Kong, C., Liu, B., Wang, T., Lu, B., Xia, Y., Cai, F., Chen, P., Hu, S., Xu, Q., Hu, L., Jing, L., Liu, Q., Peng, Z., Qiu, X., Ren, Q., Tong, Y., Wen, Y., Wu, Q., Xia, J., Xiong, X., Xu, S., Yang, T., Yin, N., Zeng, Q., Zhang, B., Zheng, K., Cang, J., Fan, Y., Fu, S., Ge, X., Guo, B., Huang, W., Jiang, L., Jiang, X., Shan, Q., Wang, F., Christiansen, I., Granum, S., Rasmussen, B., Daugaard, M., Gambhir, R., Steingrímsdóttir, G., Jensen-Gadegaard, P., Olsen, K., Siegel, H., Zwicky Eskildsen, K., Gätke, Wibrandt, I., Heintzelmann, S., Lange, K., Lundsgaard, R., Amstrup-Hansen, L., Hovendal, C., Larsen, M., Lenstrup, M., Kobborg, T., Larsen, J., Pedersen, A., Smith, S., Oestervig, R., Afshari, A., Andersen, C., Ekelund, K., Secher, E., Brandsborg, B., Beloeil, H., Lasocki, S., Ouattara, A., Sineus, M., Molliex, S., Legouge, M., Wallet, F., Tesniere, A., Gaudin, C., Lehur, P., Forsans, E., de Rudnicki, S., Serra Maudet, V., Mutter, D., Sojod, G., Ouaissi, M., Regimbeau, J., Desbordes, J., Comptaer, N., El Manser, D., Ethgen, S., Lebuffe, G., Auer, P., Härtl, C., Deja, M., Legashov, K., Sonnemann, S., Wiegand-Loehnert, C., Falk, E., Habicher, M., Angermair, S., Laetsch, B., Schmidt, K., Von Heymann, C., Ramminger, A., Jelschen, F., Pabel, S., Weyland, A., Czeslick, E., Gille, J., Malcharek, M., Sablotzki, A., Lueke, K., Wetzel, P., Weimann, J., Lenhart, F., Reichle, F., Schirmer, F., Hüppe, M., Klotz, K., Nau, C., Schön, J., Mencke, T., Wasmund, C., Bankewitz, C., Baumgarten, G., Fleischer, A., Guttenthaler, V., Hack, Y., Kirchgaessner, K., Männer, O., Schurig-Urbaniak, M., Struck, R., van Zyl, R., Wittmann, M., Goebel, U., Harris, S., Veit, S., Andreadaki, E., Souri, F., Katsiadramis, I., Skoufi, A., Vasileiou, M., Aimoniotou-Georgiou, E., Katsourakis, A., Veroniki, F., Vlachogianni, G., Petra, K., Chlorou, D., Oloktsidou, E., Ourailoglou, V., Papapostolou, K., Tsaousi, G., Daikou, P., Dedemadi, G., Kalaitzopoulos, I., Loumpias, C., Bristogiannis, S., Dafnios, N., Gkiokas, G., Kontis, E., Kozompoli, D., Papailia, A., Theodosopoulos, T., Bizios, C., Koutsikou, A., Moustaka, A., Plaitakis, I., Armaganidis, A., Christodoulopoulou, T., Lignos, M., Theodorakopoulou, M., Asimakos, A., Ischaki, E., Tsagkaraki, A., Zakynthinos, S., Antoniadou, E., Koutelidakis, I., Lathyris, D., Pozidou, I., Voloudakis, N., Dalamagka, M., Gkonezou, E., Chronis, C., Manolakaki, D., Mosxogiannidis, D., Slepova, T., Tsakiridou, I., Lampiri, C., Vachlioti, A., Panagiotakis, C., Sfyras, D., Tsimpoukas, F., Tsirogianni, A., Axioti, E., Filippopoulos, A., Kalliafa, E., Kassavetis, G., Katralis, P., Komnos, I., Pilichos, G., Ravani, I., Totis, A., Apagaki, E., Efthymiadi, A., Kampagiannis, N., Paraforou, T., Tsioka, A., Georgiou, G., Vakalos, A., Bairaktari, A., Charitos, E., Markou, G., Niforopoulou, P., Papakonstantinou, N., Tsigou, E., Xifara, A., Zoulamoglou, M., Gkioni, P., Karatzas, S., Kyparissi, A., Mainas, E., Papapanagiotou, I., Papavasilopoulou, T., Fragandreas, G., Georgopoulou, E., Katsika, E., Psarras, K., Synekidou, E., Verroiotou, M., Vetsiou, E., Zaimi, D., Anagnou, A., Apostolou, K., Melissopoulou, T., Rozenberg, T., Tsigris, C., Boutsikos, G., Kalles, V., Kotsalas, N., Lavdaiou, C., Paikou, F., Panagou, G., Spring, A., Botis, I., Drimala, M., Georgakakis, G., Kiourtzieva, E., Ntouma, P., Prionas, A., Xouplidis, K., Dalampini, E., Giannaki, C., Iasonidou, C., Ioannidis, O., Lavrentieva, A., Papageorgiou, G., Kokkinoy, M., Stafylaraki, M., Gaitanakis, S., Karydakis, P., Paltoglou, J., Ponireas, P., Chaloulis, P., Provatidis, A., Sousana, A., Gardikou, V., Konstantivelli, M., Lataniotou, O., Lisari, E., Margaroni, M., Stamatiou, K., Nikolaidis, E., Pnevmatikos, I., Sertaridou, E., Andreou, A., Arkalaki, E., Athanasakis, E., Chaniotaki, F., Chatzimichali, A., Christofaki, M., Dermitzaki, D., Fiorentza, K., Frantzeskos, G., Geromarkaki, E., Kafkalaki, K., Kalogridaki, M., Karydi, K., Kokkini, S., Kougentakis, G., Lefaki, T., Lilitsis, E., Makatounaki, A., Malliotakis, P., Michelakis, D., Neonaki, M., Nyktari, V., Palikyra, I., Papadakis, E., Papaioannou, A., Sfakianakis, K., Sgouraki, M., Souvatzis, X., Spartinou, A., Stefanidou, N., Syrogianni, P., Tsagkaraki, G., Arnaoutoglou, E., Arnaoutoglou, C., Bali, C., Bouris, V., Doumos, R., Gkini, K., Kapaktsi, C., Koulouras, V., Lena, A., Lepida, D., Michos, E., Papadopoulos, D., Paschopoulos, M., Rompou, V., Siouti, I., Tsampalas, S., Ververidou, O., Zilis, G., Charlalampidoy, A., Christodoulidis, G., Flossos, A., Stamoulis, K., Tsang, M., Tsang, Lai, M., Yip, C., Chan, H., Law, B., Li, W., Chu, H., Koo, E., Lam, C., Cheng, K., Lam, T., Chu, S., Lam, W., Wong, K., Kwok, D., Hung, C., Chan, W., LamWong, W., Chung, C., Ma, S., Kaushik, S., Shah, B., Shah, D., Shah, S., Ar, P., Muthuchellappan, R., Agarwal, V., Divatia, J., Mishra, S., Nimje, G., Pande, S., Savarkar, S., Shrivastava, A., Thomas, M., Yegnaram, S., Hidayatullah, R., Puar, N., Niman, S., Indra, I., Hamzah, Z., Yuliana, A., Abidin, U., Dursin, A., Kurnia, A., Susanti, A., Handayani, D., Aribawa, M., Arya, A., Senapathi, T., Utara, U., Wid, W., Wima, S., Wir, W., Jehosua, B., Kaunang, J., Lantang, E., Najoan, R., Waworuntu, N., Awad, H., Fuad, A., Geddoa, B., Khalaf, A., Al Hussaini, S., Albaj, S., Kenber, M., Bettinelli, A., Spadaro, S., Volta, C., Giancarlo, L., Sottosanti, V., Spagnesi, L., Toretti, I., Alloj, C., Cardellino, S., Carmino, L., Costanzo, E., Fanfani, L., Novelli, M., Roasio, A., Bellandi, M., Beretta, L., Bignami, E., Bocchino, S., Cabrini, L., Corti, D., Landoni, G., Meroni, R., Moizo, E., Monti, G., Pintaudi, M., Plumari, V., Taddeo, D., Testa, V., Winterton, D., Zangrillo, A., Cloro, L., Colangelo, C., Colangelo, A., Rotunno, G., Angel, M., Maria, C., Pata, A., Parrini, V., Gatta, A., Nastasi, M., Tinti, C., Arrigo, M., Benevento, A., Bottini, C., Cannavo', M., Gastaldi, C., Marchesi, A., Pascazio, A., Pata, F., Pozzi, E., Premoli, A., Tessera, G., Boschi, L., D'Andrea, R., Ghignone, F., Poggioli, G., Sibilio, A., Taffurelli, M., Ugolini, G., Ab Majid, M., Ab Rahman, R., Joseph, J., Pathan, F., Shah, M., Yap, H., Cheah, S., Chin, I., Looi, J., Tan, S., Visvalingam, S., Kwok, F., Lee, C., Tan, T., Wong, S., Abdullah, N., Liew, C., Luxuman, L., Mohd Zin, N., Norddin, M., Alias, R., Wong, J., Yong, J., Bin Mustapha, M., Chan, W., Dzulkipli, N., Kuan, P., Lee, Y., Alias, A., Guok, E., Jee, C., Ramon, B., Weng, C., Abd Ghafar, F., Aziz, F., Hussain, N., Lee, H., Sukawi, I., Woon, Y., Abd Hadi, H., Ahmad Azam, U., Alias, A., Kesut, S., Lee, J., Ooi, D., Sulaiman, H., Tengku Lih, T., Veerakumaran, J., Rojas, E., Resendiz, G., Zapata, D., Aguilar López, J., Flores, A., Amador, J., Avila, E., Aquino, L., Rodriguez, R., Landa, M., Urias, E., Hollmann, M., Hulst, A., Kirzner, O., Preckel, B., Koopman-van Gemert, A., Buise, M., Tolenaar, N., Weber, E., de Fretes, J., Houweling, P., Ormskerk, P., Van Bommel, J., Lance, M., Smit-Fun, V., van Zundert, T., Baas, P., de Boer, H., Sprakel, J., Elferink-Vonk, R., Noordzij, P., van Zeggeren, L., Brand, B., Spanjersberg, R., Ten Bokkel-Andela, J., Numan, J., van Klei, W., van Zaane, B., Boer, C., van Duivenvoorde, Y., Hering, J., Zonneveldt, H., Hoare, S., Santa, S., Allen, S., Bell, R., Choi, H., Drake, M., Farrell, H., Higgie, K., Holmes, K., Jenkins, N., Kim, C., Kim, S., Law, K., McAllister, D., Park, K., Pedersen, K., Pfeifer, L., Salmond, T., Steynor, M., Tan, M., Waymouth, E., Ab Rahman, A., Armstrong, J., Dudson, R., Nilakant, J., Richard, S., Virdi, P., Dixon, L., Donohue, R., Farrow, M., Kennedy, R., Marissa, H., McKellow, M., Nicola, D., Pascoe, R., Roberts, S., Rowell, G., Sumner, M., Templer, P., Chandrasekharan, S., Fulton, G., Jammer, I., Ali, M., More, R., Wilson, L., Chang, Y., Chang, J., Fowler, C., Panckhurst, J., Sara, R., Stapelberg, F., Cherrett, V., Ganter, D., McCann, L., Foley, J., Gilmour, F., Lumsden, R., Moores, M., Olliff, S., Sardareva, E., Tai, J., Wikner, M., Wong, C., Chaddock, M., Czepanski, C., McKendry, P., Polakovic, D., Polakovich, D., Robert, A., Tormo Belda, M., Norton, T., Alherz, F., Barneto, L., Ramirez, A., Sayeed, A., Smith, N., Bennett, C., McQuoid, S., Jansen, T., Nico, Z., Scott, J., Freschini, D., Freschini, A., Hopkins, B., Manson, L., Stoltz, D., Bates, A., Davis, S., Freeman, V., McGaughran, L., Baskar Sharma, S., Burrows, T., Byrne, K., English, D., Johnson, R., Chai Law, K., Manikkam, B., Naidoo, S., Rumball, M., Whittle, N., Franks, R., Gibson-Lapsley, H., Salter, R., Walsh, D., Cooper, R., Perry, K., Obobolo, A., Sule, U., Ahmad, A., Atiku, M., Mohammed, A., Sarki, A., Adekola, O., Akanmu, O., Durodola, A., Olukoju, O., Raji, V., Olajumoke, T., Oyebamiji, E., Adenekan, A., Adetoye, A., Faponle, F., Olateju, S., Owojuyigbe, A., Talabi, A., Adenike, O., Adewale, B., Collins, N., Ezekiel, E., Fatungase, O., Grace, A., Sola, S., Stella, O., Ademola, A., Adeolu, A., Adigun, T., Akinwale, M., Fasina, O., Gbolahan, O., Idowu, O., Olonisakin, R., Osinaike, B., Asudo, F., Mshelia, D., Abdur-Rahman, L., Agodirin, O., Bello, J., Bolaji, B., Oyedepo, O., Ezike, H., Iloabachie, I., Okonkwo, I., Onuora, E., Onyeka, T., Ugwu, I., Umeh, F., Alagbe-Briggs, O., Dodiyi-Manuel, A., Echem, R., Obasuyi, B., Onajin-Obembe, B., Bandeira, M., Tomé, M., Martins Costa, A., Krystopchuk, A., Branco, T., Esteves, S., Melo, M., Monte, J., Rua, F., Martins, I., Pinho-Oliveira, V., Rodrigues, C., Cabral, R., Marques, S., Rêgo, S., Teixeira Jesus, J., Conceição Marques, M., Romao, C., Dias, S., Santos, A., Alves, M., Salta, C., Cruz, S., Duarte, C., Furtado Paiva, A., do Nascimento Cabral, T., Fariae Maia, D., Correia da Silva, R., Langner, A., Oliveira Resendes, H., da Conceição Soares, M., Abrunhosa, A., Faria, F., Miranda, L., Pereira, H., Serra, S., Ionescu, D., Margarit, S., Mitre, C., Vasian, H., Manga, G., Stefan, A., Tomescu, D., Filipescu, D., Paunescu, M., Stefan, M., Stoica, R., Gavril, L., Pătrăşcanu, E., Ristescu, I., Rusu, D., Diaconescu, C., Iosep, G., Pulbere, D., Ursu, I., Balanescu, A., Grintescu, I., Mirea, L., Rentea, I., Vartic, M., Lupu, M., Stanescu, D., Streanga, L., Antal, O., Hagau, N., Patras, D., Petrisor, C., Tosa, F., Tranca, S., Copotoiu, S., Ungureanu, L., Harsan, C., Papurica, M., Cernea, D., Dragoescu, N., Aflori, L., Vaida, C., Ciobotaru, O., Aignatoaie, M., Carp, C., Cobzaru, I., Mardare, O., Purcarin, B., Tutunaru, V., Ionita, V., Arustei, M., Codita, A., Busuioc, M., Chilinciuc, I., Ciobanu, C., Belciu, I., Tincu, E., Blaj, M., Grosu, R., Sandu, G., Bruma, D., Corneci, D., Dutu, M., Krepil, A., Copaciu, E., Dumitrascu, C., Jemna, R., Mihaescu, F., Petre, R., Tudor, C., Ursache, E., Kulikov, A., Lubnin, A., Grigoryev, E., Pugachev, S., Tolmasov, A., Hussain, A., Ilyina, Y., Roshchina, A., Iurin, A., Chazova, E., Dunay, A., Karelov, A., Khvedelidze, I., Voldaeva, O., Belskiy, V., Dzhamullaev, P., Grishkowez, E., Kretov, V., Levin, V., Molkov, A., Puzanov, S., Samoilenko, A., Tchekulaev, A., Tulupova, V., Utkin, I., Allorto, N., Bishop, D., Builu, P., Cairns, C., Dasrath, A., de Wet, J., den Hoedt, M., Grey, B., Hayes, M., Küsel, B., Shangase, N., Wise, R., Cacala, S., Farina, Z., Govindasamy, V., Kruse, C., Lee, C., Marais, L., Naidoo, T., Rajah, C., Rodseth, R., Ryan, L., von Rhaden, R., Adam, S., Alphonsus, C., Ameer, Y., Anderson, F., Basanth, S., Bechan, S., Bhula, C., Biccard, B., Biyase, T., Buccimazza, I., Cardosa, J., Daya, B., Drummond, L., Elabib, A., Goad, E., Goga, I., Goga, R., Harrichandparsad, R., Hodgson, R., Jordaan, J., Kalafatis, N., Kampik, C., Landers, A., Loots, E., Madansein, R., Madaree, A., Madiba, T., Manzini, V., Mbuyisa, M., Moodley, R., Msomi, M., Mukama, I., Naidoo, D., Naidoo, R., Naidu, T., Ntloko, S., Padayachee, E., Padayachee, L., Phaff, M., Pillay, B., Pillay, D., Pillay, L., Ramnarain, A., Ramphal, S., Ryan, P., Saloojee, A., Sebitloane, M., Sigcu, N., Taylor, J., Torborg, A., Visser, L., Anderson, P., Conradie, A., de Swardt, M., de Villiers, M., Eikman, J., Liebenberg, R., Mouton, J., Paton, A., van der Merwe, L., Wilscott-Davids, C., Barrett, W., Bester, M., de Beer, J., Geldenhuys, J., Gouws, H., Potgieter, J., Strydom, M., Wilberforce-Turton, E., Chetty, R., Chirkut, S., Cronje, L., de Vasconcellos, K., Dube, N., Sibusiso Gama, N., Green, G., Green-Thompson, R., Kinoo, S., Kistnasami, P., Maharaj, K., Moodley, Mothae, S., Aslam, M., Noorbhai, F., Rughubar, V., Reddy, J., Singh, A., Skinner, D., Smith, M., Singh, B., Misra, R., Naidoo, M., Ramdharee, P., Selibea, Y., Sewpersad, S., Sham, S., Wessels, J., Africander, C., Bejia, T., Blakemore, S., Botes, M., Bunwarie, B., Hernandez, C., Jeeraz, M., Legutko, D., Lopez, A., De Meyer, J., Muzenda, T., Naidoo, N., Patel, M., Pentela, R., Junge, M., Mansoor, N., Rademan, L., Scislowski, P., Seedat, I., van den Berg, B., van der Merwe, D., van Wyk, S., Govender, K., Naicker, D., Ramjee, R., Saley, M., Kuhn, W., Matos-Puig, R., Moolla, Z., Lisi, A., Perez, G., Valle Beltran, A., Lozano, A., Delgado Navarro, C., Duca, A., Pastor Martinez, E., Ferrando, C., Fuentes, I., García-Pérez, M., Gracia, E., Izquierdo Palomares, A., Katime, A., Miñana, A., Incertis, R., Romero, E., Romero Garcia, C., Rubio, C., Socorro Artiles, T., Soro, M., Valls, P., Laguarda, G., Benavent, P., Cuenca, V., Cueva, A., Lafuente, M., Parra, A., Rodrigo, A., Sanchez-Morcillo, S., Tormo, S., Redondo, F., De Andres, J., Gómez Diago, L., Hernández Cádiz, M., Manuel, G., Peris, R., Saiz, C., Tatay, J., Tebar Soto, M., Brunete, T., Cancho, D., Delgado García, G., Zamudio, D., Garcia Del Valle, S., Luz Serrano, M., Alonso, E., Anillo, V., Maseda, E., Salgado, P., Suarez, L., Suarez-de-la-Rica, A., Villagrán, M., Alonso, J., Cabezuelo, E., Garcia-Saiz, I., Lopez Del Moral, O., Martín, S., Perez Gonzalez, A., Tovar Doncel, S., Vera, M., Ávila Sánchez, F., Castaño, B., Castaño Moreira, B., Flores Risco, S., Paz Martín, D., Pérez Martín, F., Poza, P., Ruiz, A., Serna Martínez, W., Vicente, B., Dominguez, S., Fernández, S., Munoz-López, A., Bernat, M., Mas, A., Planas, K., Jawad, M., Saeed, Y., Hedin, A., Levander, H., Holmström, S., Lönn, D., Zoerner, F., Åkring, I., Widmark, C., Zettergren, J., Liljequist, V., Nystrom, L., Odeberg-Wernerman, S., Oldner, A., Reje, P., Lyckner, S., Sperber, J., Adolfsson, A., Klarin, B., Ögren, K., Barras, J., Bührer, T., Despotidis, V., Helmy, N., Holliger, S., Raptis, D., Schmid, R., Meyer, A., Jaquet, Y., Kessler, U., Muradbegovic, M., Nahum, S., Rotunno, T., Schiltz, B., Voruz, F., Worreth, M., Christoforidis, D., Popeskou, S., Furrer, M., Prevost, G., Stocker, A., Lang, K., Breitenstein, S., Ganter, M., Geisen, M., Soll, C., Korkmaz, M., Lubach, I., Schmitz, M., Meyer Zu Schwabedissen, M., Zingg, U., Hillermann, T., Wildi, S., Pinto, B., Walder, B., Hübner, M., Mariotti, G., Slankamenac, K., Namuyuga, M., Kyomugisha, E., Kituuka, O., Wesonga Shikanda, A., Kakembo, N., Otim Tom, C., Webombesa, A., Bua, E., Ssettabi, E., Epodoi, J., Kabagenyi, F., Kirya, F., Dempsey, G., Seasman, C., Basit Nawaz Khan, R., Kurasz, C., MacGregor, M., Shawki, B., Hariharan, V., Chau, S., Ellis, K., Butt, G., Chicken, D., Christmas, N., Allen, S., Daniel, G., Dempster, A., Kemp, J., Matthews, L., Mcglone, P., Tambellini, J., Trodd, D., Freitas, K., Garg, A., Karpate, S., O'Hara, C., Troko, J., Angus, K., Bradley, J., Brennan, E., Brooks, C., Brown, J., Brown, G., Finch, A., Gratrix, K., Hesketh, S., Hill, G., Jeffs, C., Morgan, M., Pemberton, C., Slawson, N., Spickett, H., Swarbrick, G., Van Duyvenvoorde, G., Brennan, A., Briscoe, R., Cooper, S., Lawton, T., Northey, M., Senaratne, R., Stanworth, H., Burrows, L., Cain, H., Craven, R., Davies, K., Jonas, A., Pachucki, M., Walkden, G., Davies, H., Gudaca, M., Hobrok, M., Arawwawala, D., Fergey, L., Gardiner, M., Gunn, J., Johnson, L., Lofting, A., Lyle, A., Mc Neela, F., Smolen, S., Topliffe, J., Williams, S., Bland, M., Kaura, V., Lanka, P., Naylor, C., Ahmed, A., Myatt, J., Shenoy, R., Soon, W., Tan, J., Karadia, S., Self, J., Durant, E., Tripathi, S., Bullock, C., Ghosh, A., Hughes, T., Zsisku, L., Bengeri, S., Cowton, A., Khalid, Limb, J., McAdam, C., Porritt, M., Rafi, M., Shekar, P., Harden, C., Hollands, H., King, A., March, L., Minto, G., Patrick, A., Waugh, D., Kumara, P., Simeson, K., Yarwood, J., Browning, J., Hatton, J., Julian, H., Mitra, A., Newton, M., Pernu, P., Wilson, A., Commey, T., Foot, H., Glover, L., Gupta, A., Lancaster, N., Levin, J., Mackenzie, F., Mestanza, C., Nofal, E., Pout, L., Varden, R., Wild, J., Jones, S., Moreton, S., Pulletz, M., Davies, C., Martin, M., Thomas, S., Burns, K., McArthur, C., Patel, P., Lau, G., Rich, N., Davis, F., Lyons, R., Port, B., Prout, R., Smith, C., Adelaja, Y., Bennett, V., Bidd, H., Dumitrescu, A., Murphy, J., Keen, A., Mguni, N., Ong, C., Adams, G., Boshier, P., Brown, R., Butryn, I., Chatterjee, J., Freethy, A., Lockwood, G., Tsakok, M., Tsiligiannis, S., Peat, W., Stephenson, L., Bradburn, M., Pick, S., Cunha, P., Olagbaiye, O., Tayeh, S., Abernethy, C., Balasubramaniam, M., Bennett, R., Bolton, D., Martinson, V., Bell, S., Heather, B., Kushakovsky, V., Alcock, L., Alexander, H., Anderson, C., Baker, P., Brookes, M., Cawthorn, L., Cirstea, E., Colling, K., Coulter, I., Das, S., Haigh, K., Hamdan, A., Hugill, K., Kottam, L., Lisseter, E., Mawdsley, M., McGivern, J., Padala, K., Phelps, V., Kumar, V., Stewart, K., Towse, K., Tregonning, J., Vahedi, A., Walker, A., Baines, D., Bilolikar, A., Chande, S., Copley, E., Dunk, N., Kulkarni, R., Kumar, P., Metodiev, Y., Ncomanzi, D., Raithatha, B., Raymode, P., Szafranski, J., Twohey, L., Watt, P., Weatherall, L., Weatherill, J., Whitman, Z., Wighton, E., Abayasinghe, C., Chan, A., Darwish, S., Gill, J., Glasgow, E., Hadfield, D., Harris, C., Kochhar, A., Mellis, C., Pool, A., Riozzi, P., Selman, A., Smith, E., Vele, L., Gercek, Y., Guy, K., Holden, D., Watson, N., Whysall, K., Andreou, P., Hales, D., Thompson, J., Bowrey, S., McDonald, S., Gilmore, J., Hills, V., Kelly, C., Kelly, S., Lloyd, G., Abbott, T., Gall, L., Torrance, H., Vivian, M., Berntsen, E., Nolan, T., Turner, A., Vohra, A., Brown, A., Clark, R., Coughlan, E., Daniel, C., Patvardhan, C., Pearson, R., Predeep, S., Saad, H., Shanmugam, M., Varley, S., Wylie, K., Cooper, L., Makowski, A., Misztal, B., Moldovan, E., Pegg, C., Donovan, A., Foot, J., Large, S., Claxton, A., Netke, B., Armstrong, R., Calderwood, C., Kwok, A., Mohr, O., Oyeniyi, P., Patnaik, L., Post, B., Ali, S., Arshad, H., Baker, G., Brenner, L., Brincat, M., Brunswicker, A., Cox, H., Cozar, O., Durst, A., Fengas, L., Flatt, J., Glister, G., Narwani, V., Photi, E., Rankin, A., Rosbergen, M., Beaton, C., Horn, R., Hunt, J., Rousseau, G., Stancombe, L., Absar, M., Allsop, J., Drinkwater, Z., Hodgkiss, T., Smith, K., Alexander-Sefre, F., Campey, L., Dudgeon, L., Hall, K., Hitchcock, R., James, L., Winstone, U., Ahmad, N., Bauchmuller, K., Harrison, J., Jeffery, H., Miller, D., Pinder, A., Pothuneedi, S., Rosser, J., Sanghera, S., Swift, D., Walker, R., Bester, D., Cavanagh, S., Cripps, H., Daniel, H., Lynch, J., Pyke, S., Scholefield, J., Whitworth, H., Bottrill, F., Ramalingam, G., Webb, S., Akerman, N., Antill, P., Bourner, L., Buckley, S., Castle, G., Charles, R., Eggleston, C., Foster, R., Gill, S., Lindley, K., Lklouk, M., Lowery, T., Martin, O., Milne, D., O'Connor, P., Ratcliffe, A., Rose, A., Smith, A., Varma, S., Ward, J., Barcraft-Barnes, H., Camsooksai, J., Colvin, C., Reschreiter, H., Tbaily, L., Venner, N., Hamilton, C., Kelly, L., Toth-Tarsoly, P., Dodsworth, K., Foord, D., Gordon, P., Hawes, E., Lamb, N., Mouland, J., Nightingale, J., Rose, S., Schrieber, J., Al 'Amri, K., Aladin, H., Arshad, M., Barraclough, J., Bentley, C., Bergin, C., Carrera, R., Clarkson, A., Collins, M., Denham, S., Griffiths, E., Ip, P., Jeyanthan, S., Joory, K., Kaur, S., Marriott, P., Mitchell, N., Nagaiah, S., Nilsson, A., Parekh, N., Pope, M., Seager, J., Serag, H., Tameem, A., Thomas, A., Thunder, J., Torrance, A., Vohra, R., Whitehouse, A., Wong, T., Blunt, M., Wong, K., Giles, J., Reed, I., Weller, D., Bell, G., Birch, J., Damant, R., Maiden, J., Mewies, C., Prince, C., Radford, J., Balain, B., Banerjee, R., Barnett, A., Burston, B., Edwards, M., Evans, C., Ford, D., Gallacher, P., Hill, S., Jaffray, D., Karlakki, S., Kennedy, J., Kiely, N., Lewthwaite, S., Marquis, C., Ockendon, M., Phillips, S., Pickard, S., Richardson, J., Roach, R., Smith, T., Spencer-Jones, R., Steele, N., Steen, J., Van Liefland, M., White, S., Faulds, M., Harris, M., Nicol, S., Pearson, S., Chukkambotla, S., Andrew, A., Attrill, E., Campbell, G., Datson, A., Fouracres, A., Graterol, J., Graves, L., Hong, B., Ishimaru, A., Karthikeyan, A., King, H., Lawson, T., Lee, G., Lyons, S., Macalister Hall, A., Mathoulin, S., Mcintyre, E., Mclaughlin, D., Mulcahy, K., Robbins, J., Sung, W., Tayo, A., Trembath, L., Venugopal, S., Wigmore, G., Boereboom, C., Downes, C., Humphries, R., Melbourne, S., Tou, S., Ullah, S., Batchelor, N., Boxall, L., Broomby, R., Deen, T., Hellewell, A., Helliwell, L., Hutchings, M., Hutchins, D., Keenan, S., Mackie, D., Donna, A., Smith, F., Stone, L., Thorpe, K., Wassall, R., Woodgate, A., Baillie, S., Campbell, T., James, S., King, C., Marques de Araujo, D., Martin, D., Morkane, C., Neely, J., Rajendram, R., Burton, M., James, K., Keevil, E., Minik, O., Morgan, J., Musgrave, A., Rajanna, H., Roberts, T., Adamson, M., Jumbe, S., Kendall, J., Muthuswamy, M., Cruikshanks, A., Wrench, I., Zeidan, L., Ardern, D., Harris, B., Hellstrom, J., Martin, J., Thomas, R., Varsani, N., Wrey Brown, C., Docherty, P., Gillies, M., McGregor, E., Usher, H., Craig, J., Ahmad, T., Bodger, P., Creary, T., Fowler, A., Ijuo, E., Jones, T., Kantsedikas, I., Lahiri, S., McLean, A., Niebrzegowska, E., Phull, M., Wickboldt, N., Baldwin, J., Doyle, D., Mcmullan, S., Oladapo, M., Owen, T., Williams, A., Gregory, P., Husain, T., Kirk-Bayley, J., Mathers, E., Montague, L., Avis, J., Cook, T., Dali-Kemmery, L., Kerslake, I., Lambourne, V., Pearson, A., Boyd, C., Callaghan, M., Lawson, C., McCrossan, R., Nesbitt, V., O'Connor, L., Sinclair, R., Farid, N., Morgese, C., Bhatia, K., Karmarkar, S., Ahmed, J., Branagan, G., Hutton, M., Swain, A., Brookes, J., Cornell, J., Dolan, R., Hulme, J., Jansen van Vuuren, A., Jowitt, T., Kalashetty, G., Lloyd, F., Patel, K., Sherwood, N., Brown, L., Chandler, B., Deighton, K., Emma, T., Haunch, K., Cheeseman, M., Dent, K., Gray, C., Hood, M., Jones, D., Juj, J., Rao, R., Walker, T., Al Anizi, M., Cheah, C., Cheing, Y., Coutinho, F., Gondo, P., Hadebe, B., Onie Hove, M., Khader, A., Krishnachetty, B., Rhodes, K., Sokhi, J., Baker, K., Bertram, W., Looseley, A., Mouton, R., Arnold, G., Arya, S., Balfoussia, D., Baxter, L., Harris, J., Jones, C., Knaggs, A., Markar, S., Perera, A., Scott, A., Shida, A., Sirha, R., Wright, S., Frost, V., Andrews, E., Arrandale, L., Barrett, S., Cifra, E., Cooper, M., Dragnea, D., Elna, C., Maclean, J., Meier, S., Milliken, D., Munns, C., Ratanshi, N., Salvana, A., Watson, A., Ali, H., Critchley, R., Hicks, C., Liddle, A., Pass, M., Ritchie, C., Thomas, C., Too, L., Welsh, S., Gill, T., Johnson, J., Reed, J., Davis, E., Papadopoullos, S., Attwood, C., Biffen, A., Boulton, K., Gray, S., Hay, D., Mills, S., Montgomery, J., Riddell, R., Simpson, J., Bhardwaj, N., Paul, E., Uwubamwen, N., Alexander, M., Arrich, J., Arumugam, S., Blackwood, D., Boggiano, V., Lam Chan, Y., Chatterjee, D., Chhabra, A., Christian, R., Costelloe, H., Coxwell Matthewman, M., Dalton, E., Darko, J., Davari, M., Dave, T., Deacon, M., Deepak, S., Edmond, H., Ellis, J., El-Sayed, A., Eneje, P., English, R., Ewe, R., Foers, W., Franklin, J., Gallego, L., Garrett, E., Goldberg, O., Goss, H., Greaves, R., Harris, R., Hennings, C., Jones, E., Kamali, N., Kokkinos, N., Lewis, C., Lignos, L., Malgapo, E., Malik, R., Milne, A., Mulligan, J., Nicklin, P., Palipane, N., Parsons, T., Piper, R., Prakash, R., Ramesh, B., Rasip, S., Reading, J., Rela, M., Reyes, A., Robert, S., Rooms, M., Shah, K., Simons, H., Solanki, S., Spowart, E., Stevens, A., Waggett, H., Yassaee, A., Kennedy, A., Scott, S., Somanath, S., Berg, A., Hernandez, M., Nanda, R., Tank, G., Wilson, N., Wilson, D., Al-Soudaine, Y., Baldwin, M., Cornish, J., Davies, Z., Davies, L., Edwards, M., Frewer, N., Gallard, S., Glasbey, J., Harries, R., Hopkins, L., Kim, T., Koompirochana, V., Lawson, S., Lewis, M., Makzal, Z., Scourfield, S., Ahmad, Y., Bates, S., Blackwell, C., Bryant, H., Coulter, S., Cruickshank, R., Daniel, S., Daubeny, T., Golder, K., Hawkins, L., Helen, B., Hinxman, H., Levett, D., Skinner, B., Walsgrove, J., Dickson, J., Constantin, K., Karen, M., O'Brien, P., O'Donohoe, L., Payne, H., Sundayi, S., Walker, E., Brooke, J., Cardy, J., Humphreys, S., Kessack, L., Kubitzek, C., Kumar, S., Cotterill, D., Hodzovic, E., Hosdurga, G., Miles, E., Saunders, G., Campbell, M., Chan, P., Jemmett, K., Raj, A., Naik, A., Ramamoorthy, R., Shah, N., Sylvan, A., Blyth, K., Burtenshaw, A., Freeman, D., Johnson, E., Lo, P., Martin, T., Plunkett, E., Wollaston, J., Allison, J., Carroll, C., Craw, N., Craw, S., Pitt-Kerby, T., Rowland-Axe, R., Spurdle, K., McDonald, A., Simon, D., Sinha, V., Banner-Goodspeed, V., Boone, M., Campbell, K., Lu, F., Scannell, J., Sobol, J., Balajonda, N., Clemmons, K., Conde, C., Funk, B., Hall, R., Hopkins, T., Olaleye, O., Omer, O., Pender, M., Porto, A., Stevens, A., Waweru, P., Yeh, E., Bodansky, D., Evans, A., Kleopoulos, S., Maril, R., Mathney, E., Sanchez, A., Tinuoye, E., Bateman, B., Eng, K., Jiang, N., Ladha, K., Needleman, J., Lane, R., Robinowitz, D., Ghushe, N., Irshad, M., Patel, S., Takemoto, S., Wallace, A., Mazzeffi, M., Rock, P., Wallace, K., Zhu, X., Chua, P., Mattera, M., Sharar, R., Thilen, S., Treggiari, M., Morgan, A., Sofjan, I., Subramaniam, K., Avidan, M., Maybrier, H., Muench, M. & Wildes, T., 01.07.2017, In: Intensive Care Medicine. 43, 7, p. 971-979 9 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    87 Citations (Scopus)
  • Gonadectomy in Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Why and When?

    Döhnert, U., Wünsch, L. & Hiort, O., 01.09.2017, In: Sexual Development. 11, 4, p. 171-174 4 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

    6 Citations (Scopus)
  • Konzeption und Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Transitionskompetenz von Jugendlichen mit chronischen Erkrankungen - Entwicklung und Prüfung eines Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumentes

    Translated title of the contribution: Conception and Measurement of Health-related Transition Competence for Adolescents with Chronic Conditions - Development and Testing of a Self-Report InstrumentHerrmann-Garitz, C., Muehlan, H., Bomba, F., Thyen, U. & Schmidt, S., 01.06.2017, In: Gesundheitswesen. 79, 6, p. 491-496 6 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Malignant testicular germ cell tumors in postpubertal individuals with androgen insensitivity: Prevalence, pathology and relevance of single nucleotide polymorphism-based susceptibility profiling

    Cools, M., Wolffenbuttel, K. P., Hersmus, R., Mendonca, B. B., Kaprová, J., Drop, S. L. S., Stoop, H., Gillis, A. J. M., Oosterhuis, J. W., Costa, E. M. F., Domenice, S., Nishi, M. Y., Wunsch, L., Quigley, C. A., T’Sjoen, G. & Looijenga, L. H. J., 07.11.2017, In: Human Reproduction. 32, 12, p. 2561-2573 13 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    31 Citations (Scopus)
  • New NR5A1 mutations and phenotypic variations of gonadal dysgenesis

    Werner, R., Mönig, I., Lünstedt, R., Wünsch, L., Thorns, C., Reiz, B., Krause, A., Schwab, K. O., Binder, G., Holterhus, P. M. & Hiort, O., 01.05.2017, In: PLoS ONE. 12, 5, e0176720.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    8 Citations (Scopus)
  • Pathological fracture of the femoral neck following septic coxitis and chronic osteomyelitis: A potential complication of Lemierre's syndrome

    Vogt, D. M., Tüshaus, L., Kaiser, M. & Russlies, M., 22.05.2017, In: BMJ Case Reports. 2017, bcr-2016-218474.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Pubertal Development in 17Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3 Deficiencyâ

    Hiort, O., Marshall, L., Birnbaum, W., Wünsch, L., Holterhus, P. M., Döhnert, U. & Werner, R., 01.07.2017, In: Hormone Research in Paediatrics. 87, 5, p. 354-358 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Zwerchfellparese nach extremer Frühgeburtlich keit mit Ösophagusatresie

    Translated title of the contribution: Phrenic nerve palsy following prematurity accompanied with esophageal atresiaStichtenoth, G., Herz, A., Tafazzoli, K., Grolle, B., Wünsch, L., Buchholz, M., Härtel, C. & Göpel, W., 2017, In: Chirurgische Praxis. 82, 3, p. 453-460 8 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2016

    Femoral shaft fractures in young children (<5 years of age): operative and non-operative treatments in clinical practice

    Rapp, M., Kaiser, M. M., Grauel, F., Gielok, C. & Illing, P., 01.12.2016, In: European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 42, 6, p. 719-724 6 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)
  • Perineal ultrasound offers useful information in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

    Lindert, J., Hiort, O., Tüshaus, L., Tafazzoli-Lari, K. & Wünsch, L., 01.12.2016, In: Journal of Pediatric Urology. 12, 6, p. 427.e1-427.e6

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)
  • Photo-enriched Documentation during Surgeries with Google Glass: An Exploration Usability Study in a Department of Paediatric Surgery

    Mentler, T., Kappel, J., Wünsch, L. & Herczeg, M., 16.08.2016, In: i-com. 15, 2, p. 171-178 8 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • The turban pin aspiration syndrome: Awareness for a subtype of foreign body aspiration

    Hainer, F., Klauß, W., Wünsch, L. & Tüshaus, L., 01.04.2016, In: Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 7, p. 28-30 3 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Treatment outcome in 60 children with pathological fractures of the humerus caused by juvenile or aneurysmal bone cysts

    Rapp, M., Grauel, F., Wessel, L. M., Illing, P. & Kaiser, M. M., 01.01.2016, In: Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 82, 4, p. 723-729 7 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesScientific review articlesResearch

  • Zwerchfellparese nach extremer Frühgeburtlichkeit mit Ösophagusatresie

    Translated title of the contribution: Phrenic nerve palsy following prematurity accompanied with esophageal atresiaStichtenoth, G., Herz, A., Tafazzoli, K., Grolle, B., Wünsch, L., Buchholz, M., Härtel, C. & Göpel, W., 2016, In: Padiatrische Praxis. 86, 4, p. 627-634 8 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2015

    Can a simplified algorithm prevent incomplete laparoscopic pyloromyotomy?

    Vahdad, M. R., Nissen, M., Semaan, A., Klein, T., Palade, E., Boemers, T., Troebs, R. B. & Cernaianu, G., 01.09.2015, In: Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 50, 9, p. 1544-1548 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • GPU-based Real-Time Generation of Large Ultrasound Volumes from Freehand 3D Sweeps

    Jauer, P., Hainer, F. & Ernst, F., 11.09.2015, In: Biomedical Engineering. 60, s1, p. S213 1 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Husten, Atemnot und bronchiale Obstruktion: Nicht alles ist Asthma

    Translated title of the contribution: Coughing, dyspnea and bronchial obstruction: Not everything is asthmaHerz, A., Tüshaus, L., Olschewski, J., Herting, E. & Kopp, M. V., 05.06.2015, In: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. 163, 6, p. 525-527 3 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Improving stability of elastic stable intramedullary nailing in a transverse midshaft femur fracture model: Biomechanical analysis of using end caps or a third nail

    Rapp, M., Gros, N., Zachert, G., Schulze-Hessing, M., Stratmann, C., Wendlandt, R. & Kaiser, M. M., 25.06.2015, In: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 10, 1, 96.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)
  • Kombination von universellem Antidot und temporärem Hautersatz bei Verätzungen: Erweiterter Fallbericht

    Translated title of the contribution: Combination of a universal antidote and temporary skin substitute for chemical burns: Extended case reportLiodaki, E., Schopp, B. E., Lindert, J., Krämer, R., Kisch, T., Mailänder, P. & Stang, F., 07.09.2015, In: Unfallchirurg. 118, 9, p. 804-807 4 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • LiLa-Klassifikation für Frakturen der langen Röhrenknochen im Wachstumsalter: Intra- und Interobserverreliabilität

    Translated title of the contribution: LiLa classification for paediatric long bone fractures: Intraobserver and interobserver reliabilityKamphaus, A., Rapp, M., Wessel, L. M., Buchholz, M., Massalme, E., Schneidmüller, D., Roeder, C. & Kaiser, M. M., 01.04.2015, In: Unfallchirurg. 118, 4, p. 326-335 10 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Management of pediatric hand burns

    Wünsch, L., 17.03.2015, In: Pediatric Surgery International. 31, 4, p. 397-401 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)
  • Novel insights into 46,XY disorders of sex development due to NR5A1 gene mutation

    Werner, R., Mönig, I., August, J., Freiberg, C., Lünstedt, R., Reiz, B., Wünsch, L., Holterhus, P. M., Kulle, A., Döhnert, U., Wudy, S. A., Richter-Unruh, A., Thorns, C. & Hiort, O., 01.12.2015, In: Sexual Development. 9, 5, p. 260-268 9 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)
  • Verzögerte Diagnose eines akuten Abdomens: Fünfzehn Tage bis zur Diagnosestellung

    Translated title of the contribution: Delayed diagnosis of acute abdomen: A 15-day delay until diagnosisLau, M., Platzer, K., Tüshaus, L., Kohl, M. & Stichtenoth, G., 10.09.2015, In: Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde. 163, 9, p. 872-876 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • Working group on implant research of the German Society of Surgery

    Wünsch, L., 01.03.2015, In: Chirurg. 86, 3, p. 290-292 3 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  • 2014

    Additional Tension Screws Improve Stability in Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing: Biomechanical Analysis of a Femur Spiral Fracture Model

    Zachert, G., Rapp, M., Eggert, R., Schulze-Hessing, M., Gros, N., Stratmann, C., Wendlandt, R. & Kaiser, M. M., 10.06.2014, In: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 25, 4, p. 365-372 8 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)
  • Azathioprine therapy in multiple sclerosis: Phosphoribosylated metabolites and thiopurine methyltransferase activity

    Albrecht, P., Tafazzoli-Lari, J., Iven, H. & Moser, A., 01.01.2014, In: Open Neuroscience Journal. 8, 1, p. 9-13 5 p.

    Research output: Journal ArticlesJournal articlesResearchpeer-review