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Excitability of nociceptors and the impact of oxidative stress
Leipold, E., Klee, T. & Nau, C.
01.04.20 → …
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Clinician Scientist School Programme
Clinician Scientist School Luebeck: Connecting Brain, Metabolism, and Inflammation (BMI) – Mechanisms and Disease Expression
Sadik, C., Busch, H. S., Erdmann, J., Grünewald, A. K., Ibrahim, S., Kaiser, F., Keck, T., Klein, C., Köhl, J., König, I. R., Lehnert, H., Lohmann, K., Münte, T., Nau, C., Oster, H., Riemekasten, G., Rupp, J., Schwaninger, M., Sina, C., Tronnier, V. M., Wollenberg, B. & Zillikens, D.
01.01.18 → …
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Clinician Scientist School Programme
Modulation of sensory neuron excitability by functionally altered NaV1.9 channels
01.01.14 → …
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
Dynamic mapping of vessels in soft tissue in transmission and reflection measurement, as a hybrid method from ultra-wideband and ultrasound signals for the non-invasive determination of the blood pressure.
Gehring, H. & Hellbrück, H.
01.01.18 → 31.12.23
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
Impact of a long-term sedation with sevoflurane on lung, kidneys and blood coagulation in an in-vivo-model of a pulmonary-induced systemic inflammation
01.01.12 → 31.12.14
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
Academy of Excellence for Young Scientists: "Monitoring and Computing in Perioperative Medicine"
Hoeft, A., Gehring, H. & Nüsslin, F.
01.01.06 → 31.12.10
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
CRU 130, Subproject: Interaction of nociceptor-specific membrane proteins with anesthetics and analgesics
Nau, C. & Leffler, A.
01.01.05 → 31.12.15
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Joint Research: Research Units/ Clinical Research Units
CRU 130: Determinants and Modulators of Postoperative Pain
Nau, C. & Schüttler, J.
01.01.05 → 31.12.11
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Joint Research: Research Units/ Clinical Research Units
Regulation of gene activation by over-ventilation with therapeutically used gases
Uhlig, S. & Meier, T.
01.01.04 → 31.12.11
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects
Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe: Struktur, Funktion und Pharmakologie von Na+ Kanälen und TRPV-Rezeptoren, zwei Membramproteine, die in nozizeptive Prozesse involviert sind
01.01.00 → 31.12.05
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Scholarships: Emmy Noether Programme
Structure, function and drug targeting of Na -channels and vanilloid receptors, two transmembrane proteins that are involved in nociception
01.01.00 → 31.12.05
Project: DFG Projects › DFG Individual Projects