Translational functional neuroimaging in the explanation of depression

Drozdstoy Stoyanov*, Sevdalina Kandilarova, Stefan Borgwardt

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
13 Zitate (Scopus)


Translation as a notion and procedure is deeply embodied in medical science and education. Translation includes the possibility to translate data across disciplines to improve diagnosis and treatment procedures. The evidence accumulated using translation serves as a vehicle for reification of medical diagnoses. There are promising, established post hoc correlations between the different types of clinical tools (interviews and inventories) and neuroscience. The various measures represent statistical correlations that must now be integrated into diagnostic standards and procedures but this, as a whole, is a step forward towards a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying psychopathology in general and depression in particular. Here, we focus on functional magnetic resonance imaging studies using a trans-disciplinary approach and attempt to establish bridges between the different fields. We will selectively highlight research areas such as imaging genetics, imaging immunology and multimodal imaging, as related to the diagnosis and management of depression.

ZeitschriftBalkan Medical Journal
Seiten (von - bis)493-503
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 11.2017


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