Studying the extracellular contribution to the double wave vector diffusion-weighted signal

Patricia Ulloa, Viktor Wottschel, Martin A. Koch


The use of two independent diffusion periods between excitation and acquisition, known as double wave vector (DWV) diffusion-weighting or double diffusion encoding, was proven to yield structural information that it is otherwise not easily available in vivo. Comparing the signal difference between relative diffusion gradient orientations, the antiparallel-parallel and the parallel-perpendicular differences yield information on pore size and shape, respectively. However, results in vivo provided larger pore sizes than expected for axons in the corticospinal tract. This study exploits DWV sensitivity to pore shape and aims to obtain information on the extracellular contributions to the DWV pore size results presented here. The in vivo DWV experiments resulted in a positive parallel-perpendicular difference which is consistent with an irregularly shaped pore dominating the origin of the signal.

ZeitschriftCurrent Directions in Biomedical Engineering
Seiten (von - bis)240-244
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.01.2015


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