Sorting Signed Permutations by Inverse Tandem Duplication Random Losses

Tom Hartmann, Max Bannach, Martin Middendorf


Gene order evolution of unichromosomal genomes, for example mitochondrial genomes, has been modelled mostly by four major types of genome rearrangements: inversions, transpositions, inverse transpositions, and tandem duplication random losses. Generalizing models that include all those rearrangements while admitting computational tractability are rare. In this paper we study such a rearrangement model, namely the inverse tandem duplication random loss (iTDRL) model, where an iTDRL duplicates and inverts a continuous segment of a gene order followed by the random loss of one of the redundant copies of each gene. The iTDRL rearrangement has currently been proposed by several authors suggesting it to be a possible mechanisms of mitochondrial gene order evolution. We initiate the algorithmic study of this new model of genome rearrangement by proving that a shortest rearrangement scenario that transforms one given gene order into another given gene order can be obtained in quasilinear time. Furthermore, we show that the length of such a scenario, i. e., the minimum number of iTDRLs in the transformation, can be computed in linear time.
ZeitschriftIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Seiten (von - bis)1 - 1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16.05.2019


  • 409-01 Theoretische Informatik


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