Semantic Access to Siemens Streaming Data: the Optique Way

Sebastian Brandt, Christian Neuenstadt, Özgür Özçep, Evgeny Kharlamov, Martin Giese, Erensto Jiménez-Ruiz, Steffen Lamparter, Christoph Pinkel, Ahmet Soylu, Dmitriy Zheleznyakov, Michael Roshchin, Steven Watson, Ian Horrocks


Siemens Energy runs several service centres for power plants. The main task of a service centre is remote monitoring and diagnostics of many thousands appliances, such as gas and steam turbines, generators, and compressors installed in plants. Monitoring and diagnostics are performed by service engineers and are typically conducted in four steps: (i) engineers receive a notification about a potential or detected issue with an appliance, (ii) they gather data relevant to the case, (iii) analyse the data, and finally (iv) report about ways to address the issue to the appliance owner. Currently, Step (ii) of the process is the bottleneck consuming, as statistics shows [5], up to 80% of the overall time needed by the engineer to accomplish the task. The main reason for this time consumption is the indirect data access, i.e., in many cases the engineers have to access data via IT experts. Involvement of IT experts in the process slows it down dramatically due to various reasons such as their overload, miscommunication between IT experts and the engineers.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.10.2015
VeranstaltungISWC 2015 Posters and Demonstrations Track, ISWC-P and D 2015 - co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference
- Bethlehem, USA / Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 11.10.201511.10.2015
Konferenznummer: 117676

Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress

Tagung, Konferenz, KongressISWC 2015 Posters and Demonstrations Track, ISWC-P and D 2015 - co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference
KurztitelISWC 2015
Land/GebietUSA / Vereinigte Staaten


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