Robust Listening Room Compensation by Optimizing Multiple p-Norm Based Criteria

J. O. Jungmann, R. Mazur, A. Mertins


The purpose of room impulse response reshaping is toreduce reverberation and thus to improve the perceivedquality of the received signal by prefiltering the sourcesignal before it is played with a loudspeaker. The opti-mization of an infinity- and/orp-norm based objectivefunction in the time domain has shown to be quite effec-tive compared to least-squares methods. Multi-positionapproaches have been developed in order to increase therobustness against small movements of the listener. Ithas been shown recently, that it is necessary to alsoconsider the frequency-domain representation of the re-shaped impulse response, in order to avoid spectral dis-tortions of the overall system. In this contribution wepropose to jointly optimize ap-norm based criterion inthe time and frequency domains for multiple positions inorder to achieve a good reshaping while not affecting theperceived quality due to spectral distortions in a limitedlistening area.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.03.2012
Veranstaltung 38. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik
- Darmstadt, Deutschland
Dauer: 19.03.201222.03.2012

Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress

Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress 38. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik
KurztitelDAGA 2012


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