
Although psychosocial factors have a profound impact on the experience of pain and pain recovery, the transfer to clinical application has so far been insufficient. With this article, a task force of the special interest group "Psychosocial Aspects of Pain" of the German Pain Society (Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e. V.) would like to draw attention to the considerable discrepancy between existing scientific evidence on the importance of psychosocial factors in the development of chronic pain disorders and the translation of these findings into the care of pain patients. Our objective is a stronger integration of psychological and psychosomatic expertise in pain treatment and research, as well as the improvement of structural and institutional conditions, to achieve an increased consideration of psychosocial aspects. In this way, modern, integrative and complex pain concepts can reach the patient. Based on these fundamental findings on the importance of psychosocial factors in pain and pain treatment, implications for the transfer to clinic and further research will be shown.

Titel in ÜbersetzungPsychosocial factors in pain and pain management: A statement
Seiten (von - bis)159-167
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 06.2023


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