Prognostic Factors for Complete Recovery From Xerostomia After Radiotherapy of Head-and-Neck Cancers

Dirk Rades*, Britta Warwas, Karsten Gerull, Ralph Pries, Anke Leichtle, Karl L. Bruchhage, Samer G. Hakim, Steven E. Schild, Florian Cremers

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit


Background/Aim: Radiotherapy of head-and-neck cancers can cause xerostomia. This study investigated potential prognostic factors for complete recovery from this complication. Patients and Methods: Eighty head-and-neck cancer patients with radiation-induced xerostomia were retrospectively evaluated. Thirteen characteristics were analyzed for complete recovery (to grade 0) from xerostomia including age, sex, tumor site and stage, nodal stage, upfront surgery, mean dose to ipsilateral, contralateral and both parotid glands, chemotherapy, radiation type and dose, and initial grade of xerostomia. Results: Fifteen patients (18.8%) experienced complete recovery of xerostomia. Significant associations with complete recovery were found for initial grade 1 xerostomia (p<0.001), mean dose to contralateral parotid gland of <20 Gy (p=0.034), and radiation treatment without chemotherapy (p=0.047). Conclusion: Almost every fifth patient experienced complete recovery of xerostomia. Prognostic factors were identified that can guide radiation oncologists during the process of treatment planning.

ZeitschriftIn Vivo
Seiten (von - bis)1795-1800
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 07.2022

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Zentren: Universitäres Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein (UCCSH)
  • Profilbereich: Lübeck Integrated Oncology Network (LION)
