Predictors of not well controlled epileptic seizures

Rumyana Kuzmanova, Irina Stefanova, Katerina Stambolieva


Complete seizure freedom is the single most important determinant of health-related quality of life in patients with epilepsy. Antiepileptic drugs are the main treatment option; approximately 60% of newly diagnosed patients are seizure-free with AED monotherapy and a further 10–20% with polytherapy. The aim of our study was to obtain an evaluation of the impact of sociodemo- graphic, epilepsy-related, and treatment-related characteristics on the course of the disease and to determine the predictors of not well controlled epileptic seizures. One hundred and thirty-one consecutive patients with epilepsy (57 male and 74 female, average age 40.13 ± 13.37 years) were enrolled in the study. The methods used were documentary analysis, an interview on clinical factors, medical examination, self-reporting questionnaire (Liverpool Adverse Events Profile), and statistical methods. Significant positive correlations were found between cryptogenic type of epilepsy, abnormal EEG, higher numbers of antepileptic drugs taken, higher score of “Neurological and psychiatric side ef- fects” subscale, and the higher seizures frequency. Statistical analysis revealed that higher pharmacoresistance grade was negatively correlated with younger age at epilepsy onset and showed a positive correlation with higher number of prescribed drugs. Type of epilepsy, higher number of antepileptic drugs taken at the present time and in the past, perception of more frequent and severe drug-related adverse events, and abnormal EEG finding in patients with epilepsy, are closely connected with the persistence of epileptic seizures. The results will be useful in the management of the patients with epilepsy, and thus in optimizing the antiepileptic therapy.

ZeitschriftComptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences
Seiten (von - bis)593-602
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Querschnittsbereich: Medizinische Genetik


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