Praxismanagement spielerisch lernen-welche Inhalte sollen unbedingt vermittelt werden?

Anja Kohlhaas*, Markus Leibner, Tobias Binder, Joachim Schütz, Ruben Zwierlein, Jost Steinhäuser

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit


Background: Key strategies that aim to address the shortage of family practitioners in the health workforce should include the teaching of practice management competencies. This could be achieved with the help of serious game technology, for example in the form of an e-learning based business game. A workshop was run in which eleven experts were consulted regarding the development of an e-learning platform for such a serious game, which addressed questions related to the establishment and running of a practice in family medicine.Methods: The participants (experts) were divided into small groups and requested to take part in a "brainwalk", where six predetermined topics should be handled within a specific time frame. Each group had to work through each of the topics, after which a consensus discussion with the whole group of experts took place reviewing the material that had emerged. This included a process during which each individual expert weighted each topic according to its perceived importance. Results: Basics of business management and financial management emerged as two key priority areas. Conclusions: Currently, there are no compulsory courses on business management principles for students within the German undergraduate curriculum in medicine. Nevertheless, "good medical practice" today requires doctors in both hospital and ambulatory settings to also take into account efficient use of resources. The implementation of serious game technology, for example via an e-learning platform, is one strategy to close this know-ledge gap.

Titel in ÜbersetzungStudying practice management via serious games-which knowledge should be conveyed?
ZeitschriftZeitschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin
Seiten (von - bis)29-34
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.01.2018


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