Oral toxicity management in head and neck cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and radiation: Xerostomia and trismus (Part 2). Literature review and consensus statement

Michela Buglione, Roberta Cavagnini, Federico Di Rosario, Marta Maddalo, Lucia Vassalli, Salvatore Grisanti, Stefano Salgarello, Ester Orlandi, Paolo Bossi, Alessandra Majorana, Giorgio Gastaldi, Alfredo Berruti, Fabio Trippa, Pietro Nicolai, Andrei Barasch, Elvio G. Russi*, Judith Raber-Durlacher, Barbara Murphy, Stefano M. Magrini

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
15 Zitate (Scopus)


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Medicine and Dentistry