Nuclear Resonant Forward and Nuclear Inelastic Scattering Using Synchrotron Radiation for Spin Crossover Systems

Philipp Gütlich, Harold A. Goodwin, Heiner Winkler, Alexandr I. Chumakov, Alfred X. Trautwein


The nuclei in the center of atoms undergoing spin crossover can serve as specta- tors which via their emitted radiation provide information about the microscopic mecha- nisms governing the process. Conventional M?ssbauer spectroscopy has proven its use- fulness in this respect. Application of nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radia- tion opens new possibilities in various ways: Nuclear resonant forward scattering (NFS) makes studies of very small samples, e.g., in pressure cells or as single crystals, feasible and yields results of the Lamb-M?ssbauer factors with high accuracy, while nuclear in- elastic scattering (NIS) has initiated a novel field of vibrational spectroscopy. Examples and results of these methods will be given in the following chapter.
TitelSpin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds III
Redakteure/-innenPhilipp Gütlich, Harold A. Goodwin
ErscheinungsortBerlin, Heidelberg
Herausgeber (Verlag)Springer Verlag
ISBN (elektronisch)3-540-40395-7
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2004


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