Nachsorge von frühgeborenen

C. Härtel, E. Herting*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
1 Zitat (Scopus)


In Germany, preterm delivery has a prevalence of 10%, while 15 000 infants/year are born before 32 gestational weeks. The gestational age of preterm infants is the most significant risk factor for acute complications of prematurity and long-term morbidity, respectively. Chronic problems of preterm infants mainly affect the lungs, brain development and growth. Follow-up investigations are crucial for early detection of long-term complications and timely intervention. The initiation of supportive and therapeutic measures should be balanced with individual needs and resources of the family. Counselling parents and thereby enhancing their competence are important promoting factors for the neuro-development of premature infants.

Titel in ÜbersetzungFollow-up of preterm infants
ZeitschriftPadiatrische Praxis
Seiten (von - bis)3-20
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 03.2010

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Forschungsschwerpunkt: Gehirn, Hormone, Verhalten - Center for Brain, Behavior and Metabolism (CBBM)


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