Magnetic Particle Imaging: A Resovist Based Marking Technology for Guide Wires and Catheters for Vascular Interventions

Julian Haegele*, Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, Sjef Cremers, Jürgen Rahmer, Jochen Franke, Robert L. Duschka, Sarah Vaalma, Michael Heidenreich, Jörn Borgert, Paul Borm, Jörg Barkhausen, Florian M. Vogt

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
9 Zitate (Scopus)


Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is able to provide high temporal and good spatial resolution, high signal to noise ratio and sensitivity. Furthermore, it is a truly quantitative method as its signal strength is proportional to the concentration of its tracer, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIOs), over a wide range practically relevant concentrations. Thus, MPI is proposed as a promising future method for guidance of vascular interventions. To implement this, devices such as guide wires and catheters have to be discernible in MPI, which can be achieved by coating already commercially available devices with SPIOs. In this proof of principle study the feasibility of that approach is demonstrated. First, a Ferucarbotran-based SPIO-varnish was developed by embedding Ferucarbotran into an organic based solvent. Subsequently, the biocompatible varnish was applied to a commercially available guidewire and diagnostic catheter for vascular interventional purposes. In an interventional setting using a vessel phantom, the coating proved to be mechanically and chemically stable and thin enough to ensure normal handling as with uncoated devices. The devices were visualized in 3D on a preclinical MPI demonstrator using a system function based image reconstruction process. The system function was acquired with a probe of the dried varnish prior to the measurements. The devices were visualized with a very high temporal resolution and a simple catheter/guide wire maneuver was demonstrated.

ZeitschriftIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Seiten (von - bis)2312-2318
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.10.2016


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