In vivo study of partial liver resection on pigs using a 1.9 μm Thulium fiber laser

D. Theisen-Kunde, H. Wolken, V. Danicke, R. Brinkmann, H. Bruch, M. Kleemann


Dissection of liver tissue can be performed by different techniques (ultrasound, mono and bipolar dissection, water jet dissection and by stapler). In this animal study the potential of a Thulium fiber laser system was investigated for open parenchyma dissection. Based on a cw Thulium fiber laser (IPG laser GmbH, Burbach, Germany), emitting a wavelength at 1.9 μm and a maximal power at 50 W, a surgical dissection device was developed at the Medical Laser Centre Luebeck. Cw laser radiation (40 Watt) was transmitted via a 365 μm fiber with a polished distal fiber tip. Procedure was performed in contact mode; irradiance at the distal fiber tip was 38.2 kW/cmS. After general anesthesia and a median laparotomy an atypical laser resection of the liver was performed in 3 pigs. Healing process was controlled after 2-3 weeks by histological analysis (H&E staining). The final evaluation data included total resection time, blood loss, bile leakage and mass of dissected tissue. All animals treated in this study were cared for in accordance to the European convention on animal care. In general the dissection with the 1.9 μm laser radiation was easily performed. Hemostasis was highly sufficient so blood loss and bile leakage was negligible. Total resection time including hemostasis of the remaining tissue was 26 ± 12 min. Weight of resected tissue was 17 ± 8 g. During survival period no complications (bleeding or inflammation) occurred. After 2 weeks histology showed ongoing scar formation about 1 - 2 mm in depth of the dissected area.

TitelMedical Laser Applications and Laser-Tissue Interactions V
Herausgeber (Verlag)Optical Society of America
ISBN (Print)978-081948683-7
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
VeranstaltungEuropean Conference on Biomedical Optics - Munich, Deutschland
Dauer: 22.05.201126.05.2011
Konferenznummer: 102609

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Profilbereich: Lübeck Integrated Oncology Network (LION)


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