Immunity against HIV/ADIS, malaria, and tuberculosis during co-infections with neglected infectious diseases: Recommendations for the European Union research priorities

Diana Boraschi*, Markos Abebe Alemayehu, Abraham Aseffa, Francesca Chiodi, John Chisi, Gianfranco Del Prete, T. Mark Doherty, Ibrahim Elhassan, Howard Engers, Ben Gyan, Ali M. Harandi, Thomas Kariuki, Fred Kironde, Bourema Kouriba, Jean Langhorne, Tamás Laskay, Donata Medaglini, Ole Olesen, Philip Onyebujoh, Carla PalmaRobert Sauerwein, Elopy Sibanda, Ulrich Steinhoff, Aldo Tagliabue, Andreas Thiel, Mahnaz Vahedi, Marita Troye-Blomberg

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
    22 Zitate (Scopus)


    Infectious diseases remain a major health and socioeconomic problem in many low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. For many years, the three most of the world's attention. However, in rural and impoverished urban areas, a number of unfectious diseases remain neglected and cause massive suffering. It has been calculated that a group of 13 neglected infectious diseases affects over one billion people, corresponding to a sixth of the world's population. These diseases include infections with different types of worms and parasites, cholera, and sleeping sickness, and can cause significant mortality and severe disabilities in low-income countries. For most of these diseases, vaccines are either not available, poorly effective, or too expensive. Moreover, these neglected diseases often occur in individuals who are also affected by HIV/AIDS, malaria, or TB, making the problem even more serious and indicating that co-infections are the rule rather than the exception in many geographical areas. To address the importance of combating co-infections, scientists from 14 different countries in Africa and Europe met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on September 9-11, 2007. The message coming from these scientists is that the only possibility for winning the fight agaisnt infections in low-income countries is by studying, in the most global way possible, the complex interaction between different infections and conditions of malnourishment. The new scientific and technical tools of the post-genomic era can allow us to reach this goal. However, a concomitant effort in improving education and social conditions will be needed to make the scientific findings effective.

    ZeitschriftPLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.06.2008

    Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

    • Forschungsschwerpunkt: Infektion und Entzündung - Zentrum für Infektions- und Entzündungsforschung Lübeck (ZIEL)


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