High-tech marketing communication in the automotive industry: a content analysis of print advertisements

Christian V. Baccarella, Christian Scheiner, Timm Florian Trefzger, Kai Ingo Voigt


Abstract: Appropriate marketing communication is critical for the success of a product. Especially in high-tech markets, the adoption of new products is challenging, as customers' willingness to buy a product can be hindered by a lack of knowledge and experience. The choice of information content given in advertisements is, therefore, crucial. Despite its importance, research on advertising in high-tech markets is still underrepresented. The aim of this study is, hence, to examine advertising activities of high-tech products. As research object, print advertisements of OEMs from the automotive industry have been chosen, as cars are technologically advanced products, which incorporate a wide range of technologies. Based on an explorative content analysis, 708 car print advertisements, published between 2005 and 2012, are examined. The findings show, e.g., that value and user experience is the most frequently found information cue, whereas price and safety aspects are only communicated in the minority of the analysed advertisements.
ZeitschriftInternational Journal of Business Environment
Seiten (von - bis)395-410
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.01.2014


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