Exam performance of different admission quotas in the first part of the state examination in medicine: A cross-sectional study

Alex Mommert*, Josefin Wagner, Jana Jünger, Jürgen Westermann

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit


Background: Most medical students in Germany are admitted via selection procedures, which are adjusted to the demands of the universities. At Lübeck medical school, scores from interviews that measure non-academic skills and pre-university GPAs are summed to arrive at an admission decision. This article seeks to illuminate the effectiveness of this selection procedure in comparison to other non-selected student groups. Methods: Quota information and exam results from the first federal exam were linked for students admitted to Lübeck medical school between 2012 and 2015 (N = 655). Five different student groups (university-specific selection quota, pre-university GPA quota, waiting time quota, ex-ante quota and foreign students) were compared regarding exam attempts, written and oral grades, temporal continuity and examination success in the standard study period. Results: While the pre-university GPA quota outperformed all other quotas regarding written and oral grades, it did not differ from the selection quota regarding exam attempts, temporal continuity and examination success in the standard study period. Students in the waiting time and ex-ante quotas performed inferior by comparison. The results of foreign students were the most problematic. Conclusion: Students selected by the university show high temporal continuity and examination success. These results, and possible advantages in physician eligibility, argue for the utilisation of non-academic skills for admission.

ZeitschriftBMC Medical Education
Seiten (von - bis)169
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25.05.2020


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