Effectiveness and adverse events of ivermectin treatment for scabies in 30 infant patients: Report from a German single center

Sascha Ständer, David J Kirschstein, Martina Kohl-Sobania, Detlef Zillikens, Ralf J Ludwig, Waltraud Anemüller


Scabies is a globally prevalent parasitic skin infestation characterized by severe pruritus and a heterogeneous clinical picture depending on the immune status of the individual. Epidemiologic studies reveal a higher susceptibility for young, old and, in general, immunocompromised individuals. Disease-related morbidity and secondary complications due to a disrupted epidermal barrier, e.g. subsequent bacterial infections and chronic kidney disease, further add to the patients´ burden1 . With current treatment options, induction of remission is achieved in most of the patients. Specifically, the oral administration of ivermectin has substantially decreased the prevalence of scabies in communities and has proven to be effective and tolerable2,3 .

ZeitschriftJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
Seiten (von - bis)e736-e737
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 11.2020


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