Donor choice according to age for allo-SCT for AML in complete remission

F Ayuk, T Zabelina, F Wortmann, H Alchalby, C Wolschke, H Lellek, U Bacher, Axel R. Zander, Nicolaus Kröger


In a retrospective study of 168 patients with AML in CR who underwent allo-SCT, we compare the impact of young unrelated donors (UD) vs older matched related donors (MRD) on 5-year OS (5-yr OS). Median follow-up was 59 months and median donor age was 39 years, which was used as cutoff for young vs older donors. Kaplan-Meier-estimated 5-yr OS was better with UD ≤39 years vs MRD >39 years (66% vs 34%, P=0.001). In multivariate analysis, only donor age and cytogenetic risk impacted 5-yr OS. Compared with UD ≤39 years, both MRD >39 years (relative risk (RR): 4.31, P=0.001) and UD >39 years (RR: 2.14, P=0.03) were associated with poorer 5-yr OS. Standard-risk cytogenetics was associated with better 5-yr OS compared with bad-risk cytogenetics, (RR: 0.53, P=0.02). Subgroup analyses of patients ≥50 years (n=76) revealed similar results, with 5-yr OS of 62% for UD ≤39 yrs and 26% for MRD >39 yrs (P=0.022). In patients undergoing allo-HSCT for AML, young UD may improve outcome as compared with older MRD.

ZeitschriftBone Marrow Transplantation
Seiten (von - bis)1028-32
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 08.2013


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