Der Nationale Kompetenzbasierte Lernzielkatalog 2.0 für das Fach „Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin, Naturheilverfahren. Konsentierte Ergebnisse beteiligter Fachgesellschaften der AWMF.

Wilfried Mau*, Matthias Bethge, Max Emanuel Liebl

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit


Background The learning objectives in the current cross-sectional subject Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine have been revised as part of the further development of the National Competency-Based Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Medicine (NKLM) to its new version 2.0. Since the NKLM is designed as an interdisciplinary catalogue, a subject assignment seemed necessary from the point of view of various stakeholders. Thus, the German Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) and the German medical faculties initiated a subject assignment process. The assignment process for the subject "Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine"(PRM-NHV; according to the subject list of the first draft of the planned novel medical license regulations from 2020) is presented in this paper. Material and Methods The AWMF invited its member societies to participate in the assignment of learning objectives of chapters VI, VII, and VIII of the NKLM 2.0 to the individual subjects to which they consider to contribute in teaching. For "PRM-NHV", representatives of the societies for rehabilitation sciences (DGRW), physical and rehabilitation medicine (DGPRM), orthopaedics and traumatology (DGOU), as well as for naturopathy (DGNHK) participated. In a structured consensus process according to the DELPHI methodology, the learning objectives were selected and consented. Subsequently, subject recommendations were made by the AWMF for each learning objective. Results From the NKLM 2.0, a total of 100 competency-based learning objectives of chapters VII and VIII for the subject "PRM-NHV"were consented by the representatives of the involved societies for presentation on the NKLM 2.0 online platform. Conclusions In the context of the revision process of medical studies in Germany and under the umbrella of the AWMF and the German medical faculties, a broad consensus of competency-based learning objectives in the subject "PRM-NHV"could be achieved. This provides an important orientation for all medical faculties both for the further development of teaching in the cross-sectional subject "Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine"according to the 9th revision of the medical license regulations, which has been valid for twenty years, and for the preparation of the corresponding subjects in the draft bill of the novel license regulations.

Titel in ÜbersetzungThe National Competency-Based Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Medicine 20 for the subject Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine. Consensus of Scientific Medical Societies.
ZeitschriftPhysikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
Seiten (von - bis)319-326
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 21.06.2023

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Profilbereich: Zentrum für Bevölkerungsmedizin und Versorgungsforschung (ZBV)


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