Computer Supported Cooperative 3D Teleimaging in Java

Heinz Handels, Tobias Schößler, Jan Ehrhardt, Siegfried J. Pöppl


The software system Cypris enables the shared 2D and 3D visualisation of medical image sequences. During a 3D teleimaging session threedimensional visualisations of medical objects (organs, tumors, bones etc.) are displayed simultaneously on the screens of the teleconference partners. For the synchronisation of the telesessions the CSCW tool Jermes developed at our Institute is used. Jermes is a Java program library, in which functions for computer supported cooperative work are implemented. In a cooperative teleconference 3D objects can be manipulated and the 3D view can be changed interactively by both users. Due to the implemented communication concept low communication rates occur during a teleconference. Hence, Cypris can even be used via narrow-band networks like ISDN.
TitelTelemedicine: Medicine and Communication
Redakteure/-innenThorsten M. Buzug, Heinz Handels, Dietrich Holz
ErscheinungsortBoston, MA
Herausgeber (Verlag)Springer US
ISBN (Print)978-1-4613-5463-5
ISBN (elektronisch)978-1-4615-1253-0
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2001


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