Comprehensive analysis of spherical bubble oscillations and shock wave emission in laser-induced cavitation

Xiaoxuan Liang, Norbert Linz, Sebastian Freidank, Günther Paltauf, Alfred Vogel


The dynamics of spherical laser-induced cavitation bubbles in water is investigated by plasma photography, time-resolved shadowgraphs and sensitive single-shot probe beam scattering that portrays the transition from initial nonlinear to late linear oscillations. The frequency of late oscillations yields the bubble's gas content. Numerical simulations with an extended Gilmore model using plasma size as input and oscillation times as fit parameter provide insights into experimentally not accessible bubble parameters and shock wave emission. Model extensions include a term covering the initial shock-driven acceleration of the bubble wall, an automated method determining shock front position and pressure decay and a complete energy balance for the partitioning of absorbed laser energy into vaporization, bubble and shock wave energy and dissipation through viscosity and condensation. These tools are used for analysing a scattering signal covering 102 oscillation cycles from a bubble with 36 μm maximum radius produced by a plasma with 1550 K average temperature. Predicted bubble wall velocities during expansion agree well with experimental data. Upon first collapse, most energy was stored in the compressed liquid around the bubble and radiated away acoustically. The collapsed bubble contained more vapour than gas and had a pressure of 13.5 GPa. The decay of the rebound shock wave pressure with radius r was initially $\mathrm{\ \propto }{r^{ - 1.8}}$, and energy dissipation at the shock front heated the liquid near the bubble wall to temperatures above the superheat limit. The shock-induced temperature rise reduces damping during late bubble oscillations. Damping in first collapse increases significantly for small bubbles with less than 10 μm radius.
ZeitschriftJournal of Fluid Mechanics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10.06.2022

Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren

  • Forschungsschwerpunkt: Biomedizintechnik


  • 3.23-01 Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen


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