An improved tracking framework for ultrasound probe localization in image-guided radiosurgery

Svenja Ipsen, Ralf Bruder, Philipp Jauer, Floris Ernst, Oliver Blanck, Achim Schweikard


Real-time target localization with ultrasound holds high potential for image guidance and motion compensation in radiosurgery due to its non-invasive image acquisition free from ionizing radiation. However, a twostep localization has to be performed when integrating ultrasound into the existing radiosurgery workflow. In addition to target localization inside the ultrasound volume, the probe itself has to be localized in order to transform the target position into treatment room coordinates. By adapting existing camera calibration tools, we have developed a method to extend the stereoscopic X-ray tracking system of a radiosurgery platform in order to locate objects such as marker geometries with six degrees of freedom. The calibration was performed with 0.1 mm reprojection error. By using the full area of the flat-panel detectors without pre-processing the extended software increased the tracking volume and resolution by up to 80 substantially improving patient localization and marker detectability. Furthermore, marker-tracking showed submillimeter accuracy and rotational errors below 0.1°. This demonstrates that the developed extension framework can accurately localize marker geometries using an integrated X-ray system, establishing the link for the integration of real-time ultrasound image guidance into the existing system.
ZeitschriftCurrent Directions in Biomedical Engineering
Seiten (von - bis)409-413
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 30.09.2016


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