An extensive comparison of quantitative trait loci mapping methods

A. Kleensang*, D. Franke, A. Alcaïs, L. Abel, B. Müller-Myhsok, A. Ziegler

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
10 Zitate (Scopus)


Background: The choices of study design and statistical approach for mapping a quantitative trait (QT) are of great importance. Larger sibships and a study design based upon phenotypically extreme siblings can be expected to have a greater statistical power. On the other hand, selected samples and/or deviation from normality can influence the robustness and power. Unfortunately, the effects of violation of multivariate normality assumptions and/or selected samples are only known for a limited number of methods. Some recommendations are available in the literature, but an extensive comparison of robustness and power under several different conditions is lacking. Methods: We compared eight freely available and commonly applied QT mapping methods in a Monte-Carlo simulation study under 36 different models and study designs (three genetic models, three selection schemes, two family structures and the possible effect of deviation from normality). Results: Empirical type I error fractions and empirical power are presented and explained as a whole and for each method separately, followed by a thorough discussion. Conclusions: The results from this extensive comparison could serve as a valuable source for the choice of the study design and the statistical approach for mapping a QT.

ZeitschriftHuman Heredity
Seiten (von - bis)202-211
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 03.2010


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