Akzeptanz und Nutzermotivation einer D igitalen A lkohol N achsorge A pp (DANA) bei Rehabilitand:innen mit Alkoholgebrauchsstörungen

Leander Liekefett, Hans Jürgen Rumpf, Gallus Bischof*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit


Objective Digital treatment concepts have the potential to reduce the treatment gap for people with addiction disorders if corresponding offers are perceived as attractive for the target group. At the same time, the acceptance and willingness to use corresponding offers in the target population has not been sufficiently investigated so far. Methodology Based on a literature search, elements of telemedical and aftercare modules were described as components of a fictitious digital alcohol aftercare app (DANA) and consecutively recruited patients (n=102) of an alcohol detoxification facility were asked about their acceptance and motivation to use the respective modules by means of standardised questionnaires. For 96 patients with complete or plausible answers, the influences of gender, age and self-efficacy expectations on the motivation to use were analysed. Results Using factor analysis, two dimensions could be identified, which could be interpreted as lifestyle promotion and internal and external control. The analysis of subgroups showed that younger age on both dimensions and higher self-efficacy on the dimension lifestyle promotion have a significantly positive influence on acceptance and user motivation. According to this study, the gender of the patients does not significantly influence acceptance and user motivation. The majority of patients rated a combination of face-to-face and digital aftercare as attractive. Discussion Digital aftercare services are widely accepted by patients with alcohol addiction as an addendum to personal aftercare, especially among younger target groups.

Titel in ÜbersetzungUser Acceptance and Motivation for Utilization of a Digital Alcohol Aftercare-App among Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorders
Seiten (von - bis)144-150
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10.08.2023


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