Academic-industry Collaborations in Translational Stroke Research

Johannes Boltze*, Daniel Christoph Wagner, Henryk Barthel, Matthew J. Gounis

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit
5 Zitate (Scopus)


Academic-industry collaborations are an emerging format of translational stroke research. Next to classic contract research models, a multitude of collaboration models has been developed, some of which even allowing for multinational or intercontinental research programs. This development has recently been paralleled by first successful attempts to overcome the translational stroke research road block, such as the unprecedented success of novel endovascular approaches or the advent of the multicenter preclinical trial concept. While the first underlines the role of the industry as a major innovation driver in stroke research, the latter will require enrollment of industrial partners for optimal output. Moreover, academic-industry partnerships are invaluable to bridge the translational “valley of death” as well as funding gaps in times of dwindling public funding and declining high risk capital investments. However, these collaborations are also subject to relevant challenges because interests, values, and aims often significantly differ between cademia and industry. Here, we describe common academic-industry collaboration models as well as associated benefits and challenges in the stroke research arena. We also suggest strategies for improved planning, implementation, guidance, and utilization of academic-industry collaborations to the maximum mutual benefit.

ZeitschriftTranslational Stroke Research
Seiten (von - bis)343-353
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 01.08.2016


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