The objective of our project AUTONOMOS is the development a distributed and self-regulated aproach for the organization of a large system many self-driven, mobile objects. Based on methods for ad-hoc networks using short-distance comunication betwen vehicles, and ideas from distributed algorithms, local data clouds are formed in reaction to specific trafic structures (e.g., jams). These Hovering Data Clouds HDCs) are used for forming Organic Information Complexes (OICs) that are functional entities within the trafic flow, hosted by—but independent of—individual moving vehicles (e.g., for detecting, indicating and monitoring the structure of a trafic jam that continues to exist in place, even as the involved vehicles axe replaced.) Using HDC-based OICs, we develop Adaptable Distributed Strategies (ADSs) for dealing with complex and changing trafic situations. A final goal is thextension to achieve Global Objectives for vehicles and trafic flow. Our project is based on a wel-established interdisciplinary coperation and combines practical know-how from the field of mobile ad-hoc networks with theoretical expertise'from a wide range of algorithmic topics. While the firsthre years our six-year project dealt with largely local phenomena like trafic flow and their improvement, the goal for second half is thextension of our work to even more complex concepts, methods, and structures, with an emphasis on overal scenarios
Status | abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 01.01.05 → 31.12.13 |
- Technische Universität Braunschweig (Co-PI) (Leitung)
Strategische Forschungsbereiche und Zentren
- Querschnittsbereich: Intelligente Systeme
- 409-04 Betriebs-, Kommunikations-, Datenbank- und verteilte Systeme
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