
Über uns

The Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the Bioanalytical Core Facility of the CBBM supports research groups by providing LC-MS/MS analysis for targeted or untargeted approaches.

LC-MS/MS (Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry) is a versatile, state-of-the-art technique to identify and quantify a variety of different compounds. High-confidence identification is based on the exact molecular mass and a specific fragmentation pattern determined by MS/MS. Prior separation via LC adds the retention time as additional factor for identification and reduces sample complexity. LC-MS/MS is not only the method of choice for untargeted analysis, but also for the targeted analysis of specific metabolites or drugs.

Metabolomics and Lipidomics Services (untargeted analysis)

The Mass Spectrometry Laboratory offers metabolomics and lipidomics research services including

  • Sample preparation (e.g. homogenization, extraction)
  • Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of small molecules or lipids in biological samples
  • Omics data analysis and help with the experimental design for omics studies.

Range of metabolites covered (by established methods):

Metabolomics: metabolites covering glycolysis, TCA cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, amino acids, nucleotides and vitamin and cofactor metabolism
Lipidomics: metabolites covering sphingolipid, phospholipid, cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism

Targeted Analysis Services

The Mass Spectrometry Laboratory offers targeted analysis of specific compounds including

  • LC-MS/MS method development for compound(s) of interest
  • Samples preparation (e.g. homogenization, extraction)
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological samples
  • Data analysis and help with the experimental design

Range of metabolites covered (by established methods or methods in development):
α-Dicarbonyls, Advanced glycation end-products, Monomethylfumarate, D-/L-2-Hydroxyglutarate


he lab is equipped with two state-of-the art liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC/MS) systems to cover both the targeted and untargeted metabolomics research questions

  • Triple Quadrupole: Thermo TSQ Endura
  • LC system 1: Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS with a Dionex degasser, auto-sampler and column oven
  • Quadrupole-Orbitrap: Thermo Q Exactive
  • LC system 2: Dionex Ultimate 3000 SD with a Dionex degasser, auto-sampler and column oven
  • Liquid handling devices, ultrasonic bath, heating oven, sample concentrator with gas chamber, lyophilisator and medium-throughput tissue homogenization device